What is radon gas?

Question 1: What is radon gas? Where does it come from? It is the only gaseous radioactive element to which human beings are exposed. The half-life of radon is only 3.8 days. After the formation of radon, it decays quickly and produces a series of radioactive products, which eventually become the stable element lead. Indoor radon gas is mainly produced in the foundation soil of houses, building materials containing relatively high radionuclides and decoration materials. Natural radiation is the exposure that the public inevitably receives, and indoor radon accounts for an important proportion of the natural radiation to which the public is exposed. Except for specific environments such as mines and pits, the main reason for humans to be harmed by radon gas is to stay for a long time under high indoor radon concentration.

The health effects of radon on human beings are characterized by determination effect and stochastic effect. Deterministic effect is manifested as follows: under the exposure of high concentration of radon, the body shows changes in blood cells, such as the increase of red blood cells in the peripheral blood, the decrease of neutral white blood cells, the increase of lymphocytes, the dilation of blood vessels, the decrease of blood pressure, and the increase of blood coagulation and hyperglycemia can be seen. Radon has a high affinity for human fat, especially the nervous system combined with radon produces pain deficit. The stochastic effect is mainly manifested in the occurrence of tumors. Since radon is a radioactive gas, when people inhale it, the alpha particles produced by the radon decay process can cause radiation damage in the human respiratory system, inducing lung cancer. Epidemiological studies show that the inhalation of radon and its decayed substrates is an important reason for the development of lung cancer among miners. The United States estimates that there are 7,000-1,000 cases of lung cancer caused by indoor radon every year, which is the second major factor causing lung cancer besides smoking. The Netherlands believes that radon induced lung cancer is 2/3 of the traffic accidents. In Sweden, radon ranks fifth among all cancer causes. Radon is the only nuclide recommended by the ICRP for specific data on chronic exposure action levels, and has been announced by the WHO (World Health Organization) as one of the 19 major environmental carcinogens. 1987, radon was listed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as one of the important indoor carcinogens. However, the current understanding of the potential health effects of indoor radon exposure is still limited.

Question 2: What is radon and what is the danger of radon gas in home decoration I. What is ammonia

Radon is the only natural radioactive noble gas in nature produced by the decay of radium, which has no color and no smell. The decay products of radon atoms in the air are called radon daughters for metal ions, and at room temperature radon several daughters can form radioactive aerosols in the air and pollute the air. It is easily intercepted by the respiratory system and keeps accumulating in the local area. Long-term inhalation of high concentration radon can eventually induce lung cancer.

Second, the main source of ammonia

Stochastic effects are mainly manifested in the occurrence of tumors. As radon is a radioactive gas, when people inhale the body, the alpha particles generated by radon decay can cause radiation damage in the human respiratory system, inducing lung cancer. Experts' research shows that radon is the second major factor causing lung cancer besides smoking, and the World Health Organization listed it as one of the 19 major environmental carcinogens, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) also believes that radon is an important indoor carcinogen.

Third, how to do a good job of prevention

Radon precipitated from the soil of the house foundation. In the soil and rocks containing uranium, radium and thorium deep in the earth. People can find high concentration of radon. These radon can pass through the fracture zones of the strata and enter the soil and the atmosphere. When buildings are built on top of it, radon will diffuse indoors along the cracks of the earth. Tests on the address fracture zones from the Beijing area show that indoor radon levels are higher in housing below the third floor.

Selection of building materials. In building construction and residence decoration, try to choose low radioactive building and decoration materials in accordance with national standards. Some real estate developers in Beijing pay special attention to the radioactivity of building materials in the supervision of construction works, even if they ask the relevant departments to carry out tests, which is a practice that should be advocated.

Issue 3: The use of radon gas radon is produced by the decay of the radioactive element radium, radium is decayed by the radioactive element uranium, uranium played a permanent source of radon role. The main sources of indoor radon are as follows: 1, radon precipitated from building materials; 2, radon precipitated from the soil of the house foundation; 3, radon entering the house from outdoor air due to ventilation; 4, radon released from water supply and natural gas used for heating and kitchen equipments Table 1 Radon concentrations resulted from different building materials indoor Table1 Indoor Rn concentrations resulted from various building materials Bq/m3 Building material type Clay brick Concrete cinder block Fly ash Pottery granite Phosphate gypsum Stone coal Charred brick Indoor radon concentration 47.4±24.632.2±4.891.8±12.423.3±5.531.5131±7.2363±15 Table2 Radon concentration of groundwater in several places in China Table2Radon concentration of ground warm waterin some areas of China kBq/m3 LocationGuangdongConghuaGuangxiLushan Hot SpringXinjiangUsunan Hot SpringLiaoningTangheShaanxiLintongHuaqingchiLiaoningFushun Hot SpringAnhuiPantang Hot SpringBeijingSmall TangshanRadon concentration in water 11118522727201461194370-44496 1, building construction units for the construction process of site selection, the use of building materials and decorative materials must be strictly controlled from the source of pollution to reduce the release of radon to the indoor; 2, the use of domestic water, reduce the use of underground hot water. Effective ventilation should be maintained inside and outside the house when using water, coal and gas; 3. Good living habits should be developed in daily life, and windows should be opened frequently to keep the indoor environmental air clean. The danger of radon and its decayed daughters to human health is mainly related to the concentration of radon in the indoor environment and the length of time people stay indoors, that is to say, it is related to the exposure concentration and exposure time. Generally there is radon in indoor air (outdoor is also the same), then the radon concentration in indoor air in how much human health is harmful to human health, there is no safe concentration range for human health, this question can be answered from the upper limit value of indoor radon concentration and the action value formulated by the countries *** and relevant organizations in the world. The meaning of the upper limit value of indoor radon concentration is the range of indoor air radon concentration in which a person can live without being endangered by radon throughout his life, which is generally 70~150 Bq*m-3. Measures should be taken when the indoor radon concentration exceeds the upper limit value by a large margin and reaches the action value. The indoor radon concentration/action value is generally 150~400 Bq*m-3. Existing conditionNatural airThe air contains traces of radon gas, but it is very small, and its content is less than 0.1 percent. (Natural air refers to naturally occurring air, e.g., air polluted by automobile exhaust fumes is not natural air.)

Question 4: What is radon? Radon is a chemical element with the chemical symbol Rn and atomic number 86, which is located at the eighty-sixth position in the periodic table. The usual monomaterial form of radon is radon gas, which is colorless and tasteless, and difficult to have chemical reactions with other substances. Radon gas is the heaviest gas in nature.

Baidu has

Question 5: What are the symptoms of radon radiation? Has Skynet invaded this bar

Question 6: What is radon gas? Is it harmful? Harm:

When the human body inhales radon, the radon daughters produced by decay are in the form of particles, which will be inhaled into the respiratory system and accumulate in the lungs, and after precipitation to a certain extent, these particles will damage the alveoli, which will in turn lead to lung cancer;

Issue 7: Basic information on radon gas Elemental Name: Radon Chinese Pronunciation: dōng English Name: Radon Elemental Symbol: Rn Relative Atomic Mass: [[]. 222] Element Type: Rare Gas Electron Layer: K-L-M-N-O-P Peripheral Electron Layer Arrangement:: 6s26p6 Atomic Volume: (cubic centimeters/mole) 50.5 Element in seawater: (ppm) Pacific Ocean Surface 0.00000000000001 Ionization Energy (kJ /mol) M - M+ 1037 Discoverer: Dorn (F.E.) Dorn) Discovery Year: 1900 Discovery Process: Discovered in radium products in 1900 by a German, F.E. Dorn. Origin of the element: Obtained by metamorphosis of radioactive elements such as radium and thorium. Uses of the element: Since radon is radioactive and becomes radioactive polonium and alpha particles after decay, it can be used for medical treatment. Used in radiation therapy for cancer: using gold needles filled with radon gas *** sick tissues can kill cancer cells; while using cobalt-60 and particle gas pedals for radiation therapy for diseases. It is usually pumped from a radiation source and sealed in a small glass vial, then implanted into the tumor site in the patient's body. The radon particles are called "seeds". Research HistoryFriedrich Daun discovered radon in 1900. Friedrich Daun discovered the element radon in 1900. At that time, radon was the fifth radioactive element discovered after uranium, thorium, radium and polonium. Dorn discovered that radium compounds emitted a radioactive gas in some experiments. He called it "Radium Emanation" (Ra Em), and in 1899, Mr. and Mrs. Curie observed that the gas emitted by radium remained radioactive for a month. In the same year, Robert B. Owens and Ernest B. Rutherford of McGill University in Montreal observed that the gas emitted by radium remained radioactive after one month. Rutherford noticed fluctuations in the amount of radiation when they measured radiation from thorium oxide. Rutherford found that thorium compounds continuously emitted a certain radioactive gas that remained radioactive for several hours. He called this "emanation" (Emanation), and later "thorium emanation" (Th Em), and in 1901 he proved that this emanation was indeed radioactive, but left the honor of discovering the element to Rutherford. In 1901, he proved that the emanation was indeed radioactive, but left the honor of discovering the element to Mr. and Mrs. Curie. In 1903, André-Louis Debierne observed a similar emanation in actinium, the "actiniumEmanation" (Ac Em). Several nomenclature schemes were proposed for these three gases: exradio, exthorio and exactinio in 1904, radon, thoron and akton in 1918, radeon, thoreon and actineon in 1919 and finally radon, thoron and actinon in 1920. actinon.Because of the spectral similarity of these gases to argon, krypton, and xenon, and because the gases were chemically inert, William Ramsey speculated in 1904 that the emanations might contain new elements belonging to a family of rare gases, and in 1910 Ramsey and Robert Whitelaw Gray (1910) proposed that the gases should be used to produce a new gas. In 1910, Ramsey and Robert Whytlaw-Gray isolated radon, measured its density, and determined that it was the heaviest gas known. They wrote that "the term radon gas is very cumbersome" and proposed a new name, "niton" (symbolized by Nt). The name comes from the Latin word "nitens", meaning "luminous", because the gas radiates light. The International Commission on Atomic Weights (ICAQ) adopted this designation in 1912, and in 1923 the International Commission on Chemical Elements (ICCE) and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) decided to choose the designation from radon (Rn), thoron (Tn) and actinon (An). After that, the isotopes of the elements no longer had different names, but were labeled with numbers and named uniformly. Thus radon, the most stable isotope, became the official name of the element, while Tn and An were renamed 220Rn and 219Rn, respectively. Until the 1960s, the literature generally referred to radon as "emanations" only, and radon fluoride, synthesized in 1962, was the first radon compound to be synthesized. Radon radiation in mines can be as high as 1,000,000 Bq/m3. In 1530, Paracelsus described a disease suffered by miners, and Georg? Agricola ...... >>