Open your computer and click Settings. Click on Screen Display Settings, find Time Display and click on it. Find the grayscale response of Xiaomi TV and set the time to 2ms. Response time: black and white response time, refers to the time it takes to turn off the pixel, then turn on and off the pixel again or go from black to white and back to black again.
An unavoidable flaw in the monitor itself. This occurs in some low quality or poorly manufactured monitors, where certain errors in the manufacturing process can lead to small "chunks" of varying brightness within the grayscale color blocks. This is rare, and usually occurs in lower quality products.
For example, the response time of each pixel is more stable and uniform. Products with shorter gray-scale response times also have less ghosting and better picture quality, especially when playing sports images, so gamers or users who love to watch video can give more consideration to this parameter of the LCD monitor.