GB/T10001.1-2012?Public **** information graphic symbols Part 1: General Symbols.GB/T10001.2-2006 Signs with public **** information graphic symbols Part 2: Tourism and Leisure Symbols.GB/T10001.3-2011 Signs with public **** information graphic symbols Part 3: Passenger Freight Symbols.
GB/T10001.4-2009 Signs with public **** information graphic symbols Part 4: Sports and Fitness Symbols.
GB/T10001.4-2009 Public **** Information Graphic Symbols for Signs Part 4: Sports and Fitness Symbols.GB/T10001.5-2006 Public **** Information Graphic Symbols for Signs Part 5: Shopping Symbols.GB/T10001.6-2006 Public **** Information Graphic Symbols for Signs Part 6: Healthcare Symbols.
GB/T10001.9-2008 Public **** Information Graphic Symbols for Signs Part 9:Accessibility Symbols.GB/T10001.10-2014 Public **** Information Graphic Symbols Part 10:General Symbol Elements.
Expanded Information:
Graphic Symbols for Equipment means symbols used in a variety of equipment as an operating The website database contains the current national standards containing graphical symbols for equipment ***26 items, containing graphical symbols for equipment ***2902.
Graphical symbols for equipment are mainly used as operation instructions or display of equipment functions or working status through graphical forms, and their data features are as follows:
a) the complexity of geometric shapes is between graphical symbols for signs and graphical symbols for technical documents;
b) the line width of symbols is almost always larger than that of graphical symbols for technical documents;
c) graphical entities can be vectorized;
c) graphical entities can be vectorized;
c) graphical entities can be vectorized. ) the graphical entities are vectorizable;
d) all graphical symbols for equipment are given together with the corner symbols and have a regular geometric appearance. The square defined by the four corner symbols has a uniform dimensional size.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Graphical Symbols