White water = boiled tap water: China's tap water quality is not good, even if the factory qualified, poor quality pipeline also cause heavy metal pollution, unhealthy; not to mention that now the tap water treatment is also the application of chemical flocculants, and residual chlorine is too high. Pure water = reverse osmosis and other processing of water: very few impurities, lack of natural minerals needed by the human body. Mineral water = pure water + magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride: just add magnesium salt and potassium salt to improve the taste, other minerals such as calcium, or no, and magnesium and calcium will have a certain replacement, perhaps long-term drinking will not be conducive to dental health. Certain mineral water = deep lake water: China, in addition to the Tibetan plateau, almost no unpolluted lake, such as Nongfushanquan water Qiandao Lake, surrounded by cities and industrial zones, even if the deep water, but also by the groundwater and contaminated substances on the upper layers of contamination, especially the ratio of significant pollutants, basically deposited into the deep. Sales so much each year, if you really take water from the deep lake, the original small pollution of the water has also long been taken out, and now the is supplemented by the upper layers and groundwater, how the surface pollution, how dirty it is.