100 milliliters of pure water to a dexamethasone and a gentamicin, this gargle smelt mouth ulcers line?
Mouth ulcers is the highest incidence of oral mucosal diseases in a kind of disease, good in the lips, cheeks, tongue edge, etc., the age of onset is generally between 10-30 years old, local irritation, low immunity, mental stress, lack of sleep, vitamin deficiencies, gastrointestinal function flocculation will trigger the disease, usually about 10 days can be self-healing, but the disease has recurrence, can be repeated in the oral cavity of the different parts of the emergence of the disease. When mouth ulcers do not heal in the same area for a long time, it is necessary to consider whether there is a local irritant, such as a sharp tooth tip, broken ill-fitting dentures. In addition, some mouth ulcers may also be caused by viruses, which can form contact infections during the onset of the disease and should be avoided by too close contact with others. If the mouth ulcers recur and do not heal, it is recommended to see an oral surgeon as soon as possible.