When it comes to garbage sorting, we have to mention neighboring Japan. Japan is a country with strict and mature garbage classification in the world. Garbage sorting is needed in public places, companies and families. How did Japan achieve the ultimate garbage sorting?
Classified trash cans on the campus of Osaka University, Japan (photographed by the author)
Japan's garbage classification rules are different in different counties and cities.
In Japan, in the form of the Law on Garbage Disposal and Cleaning, it is stipulated that all counties and cities must collect garbage in a planned way. In other words, although the country requires garbage classification, there is no uniform standard for the specific rules of garbage classification at the national level, which is decided by each county and city. Therefore, before throwing away the garbage, local residents must classify the garbage according to the regulations of local counties and cities.
At the same time, Japan is a country that highly emphasizes citizens' personal responsibility, so all counties and cities generally implement a strict domestic waste classification system, and implement the responsibility of garbage classification to all families, trying to solve the problem of garbage classification from the source.
When international students who plan to stay in Japan for a long time in the future register at the city service center, they often have to accept the introduction of the garbage classification rules in this area by the staff and get relevant explanatory materials. Relevant explanatory materials are generally in the form of pictures with words, and there are versions in languages other than Japanese, such as English and Chinese, so that everyone can quickly and accurately understand the rules of garbage classification.
A guide to waste sorting in Yokohama, Japan (Source: official website, Yokohama)
As mentioned above, there are differences in garbage classification rules among counties and cities, so it is impossible to generalize. The main reason for this difference is that the population, the number of garbage treatment plants and the garbage treatment capacity of each county and city are different. In some counties and cities with high garbage disposal capacity, garbage classification rules are often not as detailed as those in counties and cities with low garbage disposal capacity. For example, plastic lunch boxes are treated as combustible garbage without separate classification. This is because in these areas with high garbage disposal capacity, the latest garbage incineration equipment that can be used for high-temperature treatment is adopted, and no harmful gas is generated, and even the heat generated by combustion can be used for power generation, and no more detailed classification is needed.
You don't want to throw garbage, you can throw it if you want.
Generally speaking, domestic garbage can be divided into combustible garbage, noncombustible garbage, coarse garbage, resource garbage and harmful waste. Usually, specific garbage must be put into specific garbage bags, packaged and discarded to the garbage site.
The dustpan where the author is located is a combustible garbage bag (photographed by the author)
The specific classification and treatment methods of all kinds of garbage are shown in the following table.
Brief introduction of garbage classification and disposal methods in Japan (table source: compiled by the author)
As can be seen from the above table, in addition to using specific garbage bags to classify and package the garbage and then discard it, there are also strict regulations on the time of garbage disposal, that is, only the designated garbage can be discarded on the designated day.
Generally speaking, garbage bags should not be placed in the designated place before the recycling day, but should be placed in the designated place on the morning of the designated day. This is mainly to prevent the occurrence of garbage theft and pranks (such as stealing personal information) using garbage. ), garbage fires and other events. For example, in Osaka Prefecture where the author is located, combustible garbage can be discarded in the market, that is, before 9 am every Monday and Thursday. Below the apartment rented by the author, there is a dump dedicated to placing garbage, as shown below. The specific time when all kinds of garbage can be discarded is mentioned above to remind everyone to abide by the garbage disposal rules.
The garbage dump downstairs of the apartment rented by the author (photographed by the author)
Japan's strict garbage sorting was not strict at first.
Although the garbage classification system in Japan is very strict and meticulous now, in fact, the garbage classification rules in Japan have also evolved with the degree of economic development.
After World War II, with the growth of population, a large amount of garbage was produced. The random treatment and irregular transportation of garbage caused public health problems such as pollution of Haihe River and mosquito infestation.
During the period of rapid economic growth in Japan (1955-1973), with the introduction of waste incinerators, local governments began to require residents to divide domestic waste into combustible and nonflammable categories. At this time, with the improvement of living standards, plastic packaging began to be widely used. Because it cannot be degraded after landfill, plastic packaging is burned as combustible garbage.
However, the serious air pollution caused by harmful gases generated in the process of plastic waste incineration, the destruction of waste incinerator caused by high temperature during combustion, the reduction of the capacity of waste final treatment plant and the emphasis on recycling have all promoted the subsequent classification of plastic waste and dry batteries.
Waste incineration center in Wuzhou, Osaka (Source: ignis)
Later, in order to recover limited resources, Japan implemented the Container Packaging Recycling Law in 1997, which stipulated that glass containers, plastic bottles, paper packaging boxes, plastic packaging boxes (lunch boxes), stainless steel cans, aluminum cans and cartons should be classified separately when discarded, thus completing the refinement of waste classification standards. This waste classification rule has been used ever since.
Since 2000, Japan has paid more attention to the recycling of garbage resources, formulated the Basic Law on the Formation and Promotion of Circular Society, and put forward the steps of "3R treatment". 3R is the acronym of English words Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Specifically, reducing is to reduce the amount of garbage generated from the source and say "no" to excessive consumption and production. Reuse refers to the reuse of used products and components to extend their use time, such as flea market sale or donation of old clothes. Recycling refers to the recycling of garbage, such as plastic bottles, cans, cans, etc.
After the strict classification of domestic waste in Japan, it has brought a series of positive results, such as the general improvement of residents' environmental awareness, the reduction of waste discharge, the progress of waste incineration technology, the improvement of waste incineration efficiency, the reduction of air pollution caused by waste incineration, and the extension of the service life of waste landfills. Referring to the effect of Japanese domestic waste classification, it can be predicted that the implementation of Shanghai garbage classification will promote the general participation of residents, thus further promoting the development of environmental protection in China.
1./ Garbage classification
4./feature/difference-by-place-to-place . html
8 . https://www . city . atsugi . kanagawa . jp/Shimin benri/environment/recycle/recycle/bunnbetugomi/d 023225 . html
9. https://www.env.go.jp/recycle/circul/Venice _ industry/ja/history.pdf # Search respectively = %27ゴミミ+ reason% 27.
10.https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/kurashi/Su Mai -kurashi/gomi-recycle/ongen/ brochure/wakedashi.html.
Produced by: Popular Science China
Production: Guo Fei (Osaka University)?
Producer: Computer Network Information Center