What is a safe value of nuclear radiation

Safe radiation dose limits recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection:

Non-occupational personnel, that is, the general public: annual effective dose limit of 1mSv.

Occupational personnel: effective dose not more than 50mSv in any one year. Effective dose is no more than 50mSv. In fact, the radiation dose from a single X-ray exposure is 0.01-0.02mSv, and 1mSv is equivalent to the radiation dose from taking more than 50 X-ray chest X-rays at one time, or from doing a low-dose CT scan.

Pregnant women: The dose limit to the surface of the lower abdomen after pregnancy has been established is no more than 2mSv. So pregnant women who unknowingly undergo a single X-ray radiography examination mostly do not have to be overly nervous.

Of course, the less radiation the safer!!!!

Since most are safe and there is no clear risk of disease, do we still need to take radiation seriously?


Without affecting the normal life of the premise, or to minimize the length and intensity of exposure to radiation in the environment, to reduce the potential risks that may exist in. For example, during the preparation for pregnancy or pregnancy, minimize the impact of ionizing radiation, of course, if necessary, should also follow the doctor's advice.

Additionally, you can protect yourself from radiation through diet. Common anti-radiation food ↓↓↓↓

Green Tea: rich in tea polyphenols, is an anti-radiation material, can reduce a variety of radiation on the body of the adverse effects of the health and medical profession known as "radiation nemesis".

Purple cabbage, kelp: purslane is rich in selenium, can improve the body's ability to resist radiation; kelp extract kelp polysaccharide due to inhibit immune cell apoptosis and anti-radiation effect.

Tomatoes, watermelon, red grapefruit and other red fruits, rich in lycopene, an antioxidant vitamin;

Cod liver oil, animal liver, chicken, egg yolks, and broccoli, carrots, spinach and so on. Such foods are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, which help fight computer radiation.

Most of the radiation in our lives is safe to worry about excessively.

But still, the less radiation the better.