Nosocomial Sense Training Content

Disinfection: refers to the killing or elimination of pathogenic microorganisms in the environment by chemical, physical, and biological methods. Sterilization: kill or eliminate all microorganisms on the transmission medium, including pathogenic microorganisms and non-pathogenic microorganisms, also including bacterial germ cells and fungal spores. Medical device sterilization pass rate 100%.

The total number of colonies on the surface of medical personnel's hands after hygienic hand disinfection should be ≤10cfu/cm2.

The total number of colonies on the surface of medical personnel's hands after surgical hand disinfection should be ≤5cfu/cm2When to wash hands? Before and after direct contact with the patient; after removing gloves (wearing gloves is not a substitute for hand washing);

Whether or not gloves are worn, before invasive operations; after contact with bodily fluids or excretions, mucous membranes, incomplete skin, or wound dressings; when caring for the patient from the contaminated area to the clean area; after contact with the patient's immediate vicinity (including medical equipment);