What is a wellness programWhat qualifications are needed to do a wellness program

In recent years, the health care industry is more popular, because for the older people, they pay more attention to health care, to protect their bodies, more important than anything else, then, if you do the health care industry, it may be more profitable, therefore, we should look at what is the health care project, to make clear the health care project, and then also know what qualifications are needed to do the health care project, in advance, to put these Qualifications are well-prepared.

What is a recreation project

Health and wellness comprehensive collectively referred to as recreation, and the recreation industry project is the industry involved in recreation, and can be, for example, is the leisure, conditioning, rehabilitation, fat loss, etc. with a transient, targeted, singular health and medical behavior. And recreation project planning is formed after the recreation market research.

With the increase in demand, the corresponding recuperation projects began to spring up, generally speaking, we have contact with the most recuperation culture and tourism projects are built on the basis of resource advantages, the region has an inherent advantage and a certain value of recreation of natural or cultural resources, such as mountains, forests, the sea, hot springs, etc., high-quality natural resources can attract a stable flow of customers and form a competitive not to be The company has been in the business for a long time and has been able to attract a steady flow of customers.

What qualifications are needed for recreation projects

1, there are fixed service places, necessary living facilities and outdoor activities; in line with national fire safety and health and epidemic prevention standards; in line with the "Architectural Design Specification for the Elderly" and the "City Roads and Buildings Design Specification for Convenience of Persons with Disabilities"; there is a suitable management and service personnel to carry out the service, and the medical personnel should meet the qualifications stipulated by the health administration department. meet the qualifications set by the health administrative department, and nursing staff and staff should meet the health standards set by the relevant departments, among many other conditions.

2. When applying to set up a social welfare organization, the applicant shall submit the following materials: an application form and a feasibility study report; documents proving the applicant's qualifications; documents proving the source of funds of the proposed social welfare organization; and documents proving the fixed place of the proposed social welfare organization. The applicant shall hold the above materials and apply to the civil affairs department of the people's government at or above the county level where the social welfare institution is located, and the civil affairs department accepting the application shall conduct the examination and approval.

3, set up a welfare agency premises, the welfare agency is a rented land or personally owned property, there should be proof of housing. After these are done, you can open the welfare center.

The article is mainly based on what is the recreation project, to give you the most detailed introduction, then we are clear, after which the project can be in accordance with these projects to get the whole project, not only that, in the article to understand what qualifications are needed to do recreation projects, first of all, there must be a fixed place of service, but also in line with national health standards, but also have a business license, in this case to be able to operate normally.