Hann Connected companies have also established their own pavilions to show the effect of their enterprises! And many large museums, local exhibition halls, also in the establishment of 3D holographic exhibition hall. The original intention of the establishment of such an exhibition hall lies in, both to publicize their own image, but also for the enterprise to bring traffic! The audience will not feel so bored when participating in the exhibition, enjoy the visual stimulation, but also accept the enterprise's information! Very good publicity techniques! Because the 3D holographic technology can show very realistic effect, let the traditional display form becomes rich!
The digital exhibition hall can imitate people's viewing experience, emphasizing that the audience is the center of the exhibition, for them to create a more imaginative and interactive space, people can find from Van Gogh's "Starry Night" in the gap left between the brushstrokes, can be peeped out of the depths of the picture from Bruguier's "Harvester", a few peasant women are swimming naked in the pond, the collection of this detailed speculation, appreciate the experience, is a traditional This kind of detailed understanding of the collection and appreciation experience is incomparable to traditional exhibition halls!
Compared with the traditional exhibition hall, the current 3D exhibition hall is more ornamental, allowing the audience to enjoy a visual feast, so that the audience has a clearer perception of the exhibition hall, to a large extent, mobilizing the audience's enthusiasm!