MAQUET What is it?
MAQUET is a leading global provider of equipment and systems for hospitals with a focus on Operating Rooms and Intensive Care. MAQUET MAQUET is one of the world's largest suppliers of medical engineering and equipment for Operating Rooms and ICUs, and is part of the Medical Systems Group of the Swedish company GETINGE. The company is headquartered in Rastatt, Germany, on the edge of the pristine Black Forest. Under the Department of Surgical Systems, Department of Cardiac Surgery, Department of Critical Care Systems, the brands under the jurisdiction of the industry leaders, the former MAQUET, ALM, HANAU, JOSTRA, SIEMENS (respiratory, anesthesia) and so on. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of MAQUET in China, providing the most quality system engineering and series of products for the operating room, cardiothoracic surgery, ICU of Chinese hospitals, and basing on the Chinese market with the best quality and fast service. The company's Surgical Systems Department is specifically responsible for: overall solutions for the operating room, operating room and ICU purification engineering design, construction, supervision, etc., operating room towers, shadowless lamps, surgical beds, gas supply systems and network transmission systems. Now recruiting said personnel.