What is the job outlook for VR game animation?

VR is the short spelling of Virtual Reality, that is, virtual reality, first proposed in the early 1960s, refers to the use of computer systems and sensor technology to generate a three-dimensional environment, creating a new state of human-computer interaction, by mobilizing all of the user's senses (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, etc.), to bring a more realistic and immersive experience.VR animation, Film and television, home furnishings will have a good development, to understand the course of several directions of my winning career, I think it is good.

AR is Augmented RealityTechnique, that is, augmented reality, is to allow you to see the reality of objects that do not exist in the real world and the real world fused together with images and interact with them, through the projection device, the cell phone or computer on the image projected onto other media. Typical products such as Google Glass and Microsoft's HoloLens.

Background of VR\AR (Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality) Application Fields

Industrial Manufacturing and Maintenance Fields

Multiple kinds of auxiliary information will be displayed to the user through the head-mounted displays, including panels of the virtual instrument, the internal structure of the equipment, and the equipment parts diagrams.

Medical field

The military can utilize AR technology to establish geographic data on the location of the target to help

Assist soldiers with orientation recognition and obtain important military data

Television broadcasting field

Through AR technology it is possible to superimpose auxiliary information onto the broadcasting screen

Entertainment, gaming field

VR games, VR videos, movies, etc.


The use of VR for immersive teaching; AR can be used to visualize text, pictures, and increase the interactivity and interest of reading

Tourism, exhibition

The use of VR technology to create digital tourist attractions, exhibitions, etc., allows users to see the world's beautiful scenery without having to go out of their homes

The use of VR technology to create digital tourist attractions, exhibitions, etc. The beauty of the world

Municipal construction planning

Using AR technology to superimpose the planning effect into the real scene, you can directly get

Planning effect

"Tower Defense Meng Mengda" I win the workplace development

Complete game development, release process, in the Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 (referred to as the DK2) development environment, HTC Vive debugging, running, publishing

Custom editor, mesh renderer (Mesh Render), UI canvas components (Canvas), event mechanism (EventSystem), RectTransform, UI sprite components (Sprite), XML data structure, XML Parsing plug-in (XMLParser), TextAsset, XML parsing plug-in (XMLParser)

VR/AR virtual reality DEMO

Projects include: familiarize yourself with the VR/AR eye device, configure, release the DEMO

■ ■ Why learn VR/AR panoramic game project development

(here to teach the development trend of the technology, in fact, the prospects of this industry or position)

VR/AR on behalf of the virtual reality is exceptionally hot

Then VR will be used in what place?VR (Virtual Reality) technology can be widely used in urban planning, interior design, industrial simulation, restoration of monuments, geologic hazards, education and training in many fields, to provide a practical solutions.

Now society has entered a new era, a lot of things are new, a lot of things are needed for people to create and change, so the VR products are in line with the development of the new era and the birth of the virtual reality products and this society is more closely related to the 2016 a Goldman Sachs analysts report on the VR like fireworks in the Spring Festival, detonated in the circle of friends, once has been The virtual reality industry, which is not warm and hot, finally opened its own year in 2016.

VR series products

1. PC/host VR part

2. Oculus Rift

3. Sony PlayStation VR

4. Google Cardboard

5. Samsung Gear VR

6. LeEco LeVr COOL1

2016 may become the first year of the beginning of the commercialization of VR

Not only is the imagination huge, the market size of VR in the next ten years is also as high as $30 billion, extending to AR and MR, the market size is even more hundreds of billions of dollars or more. Infinite imagination and huge market, making VR become one of the concepts that have been hotly debated in recent years, the emergence of new platforms means new opportunities, who may become the new platform of the hegemony.

Both giants and entrepreneurs are laying out in the VR field, and investors are rushing in! VR is one of the few industries that has not yet been commercialized - not even a mature product has come out, and a lot of VR products are still in the process of being developed, and it's already a hot mess! -- you might be hard pressed to see such an oddity in any other field.

With plenty of first movers, 2016 saw a plethora of very high-caliber VR products. Abroad, Samsung's Gear VR has opened the pre-sale, Facebook's $2 billion acquisition of Oculus, Q2 officially launched the consumer version, in addition to Sony's PS VR, Microsoft's AR products HoloLens, HTC Vive, also launched their own products.Apple layout has been a long time, but also planning their own VR products, the domestic VR field, startups. There is no doubt that 2016 may become the first year of the beginning of VR commercialization.

VR is a complete new eco-industry, relative to the cell phone, the ecological chain of VR is longer, wider and deeper. Including system platforms, display devices, input devices, content production tools, application development, game development, film and television production, transmission technology, cloud services, media, distribution and other aspects.

■ Targeted employment units and positions and approximate salary: (employment units and positions and salary)

Unity's red-hot naturally driven by the hot job market, according to authoritative statistics, 50% of Unity developers are very young, working within 2 years, 45% of the developers between 2 and 5 years, but their average salary reached 11k! Far more than the salary level of other software development positions!

■ For students and the foundation: (what kind of students are more suitable, to put yourself in the shoes of the students)

0 foundation, for learning Unity engine C#/javascript is the language foundation. The students who have the foundation of the development language will progress faster.

■ I win the job course design and positioning: (actually the description of the course)

After this course, the students will be competent to VR/AR panoramic game project development engineer positions. Positions available include VR development engineer, AR development engineer, game development engineer, UI design engineer. The industries that can be engaged in cover game development, interior design, military aerospace, real estate development, industrial simulation and so on.

After 2 years of work, they usually become a senior game master or supervisor with an annual salary of more than $150,000

After 5 years of work, they can usually become a game architect or director.

The development of VR hardware, driven by VR content indeed, the current popularity of VR glasses in the country, but the content is very little, animation content is still more important, you can search on Baidu VR animation, whether in the job site or in the training industry are more fire, just like the year of the iOS, I believe that in the future in the next 4-5 years there will be a very good development to learn need to learn while you're young! Baidu search VR animation have I win the job market is not bad, I am also paying attention to, I do not know if the owner has some good recommendations, I hope to be able to communicate with you!