1. Where the nucleus has a certain number of protons, mass number, and a certain energy state of the atom, it is called:
A. element
B. nuclide
C. isotope
D. homozygous heterogeneous elements
2. 1H, 2H, 3H, 4He, 11C, 12C, 14C a **** for a few kinds of nuclides:<
A. 1 species
B. 2 species
C. 7 species
D. 5 species
3. Which of the following groups are isotopes:
A. 131I and 131Cs
B. 131I and 125I
C. 131I and 18F
D. 99Tc and 99mTc
4. Which of the following is a homogeneous heterotrimer:
A.131I and 131Cs
B.131I and 125I
C.131I and 18F
D.99Tc and 99mTc
5. Which of the following is a stabilizing nuclide:
6. Which of the following are radionuclides:
A.1H and 2H
B.1H and 3H
C.3H and 32P
D.1H, 2H, and 3H
< strong> Reference Answer and Explanation
1. Reference Answer B. Explanation: A nuclide is defined as an atom with a certain number of protons, a certain number of masses, and a certain energy state. elements, also known as chemical elements, refer to the more than one hundred basic metallic and nonmetallic substances found in nature, which are composed of only one type of atom, with each nucleus in its atom having the same number of protons, which cannot be broken down by ordinary chemical methods, and which make up all matter. Have the same number of protons, different number of neutrons (or different mass number) of the same element of the different nuclides are isotopes of each other. Where the number of protons in the nucleus and the number of neutrons are the same and the nucleus is in a different energy state of the nuclides, each known as homogeneous heterogeneous elements.
2. Answer C. Explanation: A nuclide is defined as an atom with a certain number of protons, a certain number of masses, and a certain energy state, so there are seven types of nuclides given in the question.
3. Answer B: Different nuclides of the same element with the same number of protons and different numbers of neutrons (or different mass numbers) are isotopes of each other, so only option B is composed of the same element and has a different number of neutrons, so they are isotopes of each other.
4. Answer D. Explanation: Nuclides with the same number of protons and neutrons in their nuclei, but with nuclei in different energy states, are called isotopes of each other. 99Tc in option D is the ground state and 99mTc is the excited state.
5. Answer B. Explanation: Nuclides whose nuclei are stable and do not decay spontaneously are called stable nuclides. 12C has a stable nucleus and does not generally decay spontaneously.
6. Answer C. Analysis: Radionuclides are nuclides whose nuclei are in an unstable state and need to be stabilized through structural or energy level adjustments in the nucleus. So 3H and 32P can produce radioactive decay to emit nuclear rays.