What is a mass flow meter and what does a mass flow meter do?
The volume of the fluid is a function of the fluid temperature and pressure, is a dependent variable, while the mass of the fluid is a quantity that does not change with time, space temperature, pressure changes. As mentioned earlier, commonly used flowmeters, such as orifice plate flowmeter, laminar mass flowmeter, turbine flowmeter, vortex flowmeter, electromagnetic flowmeter, rotor flowmeter, ultrasonic flowmeter and elliptical gear flowmeter flow measurement value is the volume of the fluid flow. In scientific research, production process control, quality management, economic accounting and trade and other activities involving the amount of fluid is generally more for the quality. The use of the above flowmeter only to measure the volume of fluid flow often can not meet the requirements of people, usually also need to try to get the mass flow of fluid. Previously only in the measurement of fluid temperature, pressure, density and volume and other parameters, through the correction, conversion and compensation methods such as indirectly get the quality of the fluid. This measurement method, more intermediate links, the accuracy of mass flow measurement is difficult to ensure and improve. With the development of modern science and technology, there have been a number of direct measurement of mass flow measurement methods and devices, thus promoting the progress of flow measurement technology.