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Introduction of standards
This standard specifies the GB/T 18379 defined in the I zone voltage level limits, to guide the correct choice of the human body in the normal and fault two states of the use of a variety of electrical equipment, and is in a variety of environmental conditions that can be touched by the conductive parts of the voltage limit.?
Specialty standardization technical committees in the consideration of a number of important factors, such as experience shows that a reasonable level of safety can be achieved, can be selected outside of this standard voltage limits This standard does not relate to medical use in patient contact with the voltage level.?
This standard does not cover any insulation system or method of protection.
The conventional contact voltage limits for automatic power supply disconnection, as defined in IEC 60050-826, are outside the scope of this standard. This standard was first published in 1985, first revised in 1993, this is the second revision. This standard refers to the IEC61201: 1992 "extra low voltage (ELV) limit values".
This standard replaces GB/T3805-1993. the differences between this standard and GB/T3805-1993 are as follows:?
a) normative references to the standard to add the following standards:?
GB16895.21-2004 Electrical installations in buildings Part 4?41: Safety protection Electric shock protection?
GB/T18379-2001 Voltage zones of electrical installations in buildings.
GB/T13870.1-1992 Effects of electric current through the human body Part I: Common use (Chapter 3: Effects of sinusoidal alternating current from 15 to 100 Hz; Chapter 4: Effects of direct current; Chapter 5: Electrical impedance of the human body)?
GB/T13870.2-1997 Effects of electric current through the human body Part II: Special cases (Chapter 4: frequency of 100 Hz and above).
The effect of alternating currents; Chapter 5: the effect of special waveforms of current; Chapter 6: the effect of short-time unidirectional pulse current)?
IEC60050?826 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 826 Electrical installations in buildings?
b) Definitions of "contact current" and "contact voltage" have been added to Chapter 3.
c) In this revision, in addition to Figure 4 in 6.5, it is clarified that the steady state voltage limits are selected from the cut-off line at the bottom of the figure, and the voltage limits for a single fault condition are selected from the curve at the top of the figure.
English name: Extra-low voltage (ELV)-Limit values
Replacement: Replacement of GB/T 3805-1993 Chinese Standard Classification: Electrical>> Electrical Engineering >> K09 health, safety and labor protection ICS Classification: Environmental protection, health and safety>>13.260 Protection against electric shocks Adoption: Reference to IEC 61201-1992Publishing Department: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Published: 2008-01-22
Implementation Date: 2008-09-01
First release date: 1983-07-27
Proposed by: National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical Safety
Subordinate unit: National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electrical SafetySupervisory department: National Standardization Administration
Drafting unit: Beijing Institute of Electrical Technology and Economics of Machinery Industry, Shanghai Electric Tool Research Institute, and Shanghai Electric Tool Research Institute
Drafting unit: Beijing Institute of Technical and Economic Research of Machinery Industry. Beijing Institute of Electrotechnology and Economics of Machinery Industry, Shanghai Research Institute of Electric Tools
Drafters: Liu Jiang, Zeng Yanhong, Fang Xiaoyan, Li Bangxie, Bao Ge, Zhang Ping
Program Sheet No.: 20061227-T-469
Pages: 11
Publisher: China Standard Publishing House
No.: 155066-1-31218
Date of Publication.
Publication date: 2008-05-01