We all know that it is necessary to have some medical equipment and medication at home, because it can deal with some emergency situations. Among them, many families will have a home blood pressure monitor, which has many benefits, so what are the specific benefits? Also, different kinds of blood pressure machine may function as well as the appearance of there are some differences, then, if we want to buy a home blood pressure monitor, we should buy which brand? Is there any recommendation? The following small make up is mainly around these issues to introduce to you, come to understand it.
First, what are the benefits of using a home blood pressure monitor?
1, in the process of hypertension medication, so that the patient through the family blood pressure, observed the efficacy of antihypertensive treatment, more confident in the treatment, improve the patient's conscientiousness, better with the doctor's treatment.
2, clinic blood pressure often in taking no antihypertensive components of the blank tablets can also be effective in lowering blood pressure, about 30% to 50%, which in medicine is known as the placebo effect, while the family blood pressure is generally rarely this phenomenon.
3, clinic blood pressure is not as good for evaluating a patient's prognosis as home blood pressure, which is more than clinic blood pressure? It can reflect the degree of vascular damage to the heart, brain, and kidneys, and especially the risk of causing a stroke.
Second, home blood pressure monitor which is the best? What brands are recommended?
1. OMRON OMRON?: Started in 1933 in Japan, China's well-known trademark, a large multinational enterprise group, pedometer industry well-known brands, OMRON Healthcare (China) Co.
2. JiuAn Andon?: R & D, production and sales in one of the high-tech enterprises, the top ten brands of sphygmomanometers, the industry famous brand, tianjin jiuAn medical electronics Co.
3. Panasonic Panasonic?: in 1918 Japan, the world's top 500 enterprises, the world brand, a large multinational company, one of the world's largest electronics manufacturers, Panasonic (China) Co.
4. Yuyue YUYUE: China Famous Trademark, China Famous Brand Product, Jiangsu Province High-tech enterprises, specializing in the production of medical equipment, Jiangsu Yuyue Medical Equipment Co.
5. Mike doctor Microlife: digital medical measurement system and health services as the main axis of the biomedical technology companies, the top ten sphygmomanometer brand, Huaru Electronics (Shenzhen) Co.
6. KINGYIELD: KINGYIELD: medical diagnostic equipment and medical instruments and equipment technology research and development of the main set of manufacturing national high-tech enterprises, Shenzhen Jin Yi Di Technology Co.
7. A&D: Created in Japan, the world's leading provider of testing instruments and equipment, the application of the oscillometric principle in the electronic sphygmomanometer founders, A&D Giken Trade (Shanghai) Co.
8. Dr. Pulse Medipro: one of the world's leading brands of healthcare equipment, professional electronic sphygmomanometer manufacturers, top ten brands of sphygmomanometers, Yusheng Medical Electronics (Shanghai) Co.
In fact, although there is a wide range of brands on the market for home blood pressure monitors, there are three main forms, namely, arm, finger and wrist. Before you buy, learn about the benefits of using a sphygmomanometer, and then take into account the actual situation, such as which type of sphygmomanometer you are able to master, as well as the fact that it is best not to buy a wrist sphygmomanometer if the patient has a blood circulation disorder and so on. Regarding the brand of home blood pressure monitors, I recommend a few of the top ranking, you may wish to refer to.