Medical tips in the absence of medical facilities
Heat stroke is caused by a malfunction of the body's thermoregulatory system, and the body temperature may rise to dangerous levels. Symptoms may be similar to those of heat stroke exhaustion, such as dizziness, nausea, and in addition the patient may become disoriented and even agitated. When the body stops regulating its temperature, heat stroke victims often stop sweating. But that's not always the case. Fainting may or may not be a sign of heat stroke. If you wake up after 2 to 5 minutes, it may be heat stroke. When heat stroke occurs, you should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible to avoid complications such as shock and kidney failure. However, there are some first aid procedures that need to be done before you are taken to the hospital. The following is an introduction to first aid before hospitalization. A dozen measures and treatments to avoid heat stroke: 1: Wear a hat: It is best to use a hat that is breathable and can cover your neck, because the top of your head is especially sensitive to changes in temperature. When you have to do outdoor activities, it is best to choose early morning and dusk time to engage in. Some people who return to the sun after a few hours of rest may still experience a relapse and have to be cautious. 2: Drink plenty of water: Water is still the best drink for those who are dehydrated. Don't drink from a cow, you should drink a little at a time. Eat more fruits and vegetables, they are rich in water and balanced salts. 3: Don't smoke or drink: Smoking constricts blood vessels and impairs the smoker's ability to adapt to high temperatures. Drinking too much alcohol can accelerate the loss of consciousness. Caffeine can also speed up the loss of consciousness. 4: Slowly adapt to the change in temperature: At the beginning of the season, spend a little time every day, hurt outdoor activities, so that the body gradually adapt to the change in temperature. And don't work in an air-conditioned room all week, but unashamedly avoid the hot sun on the weekends. 5: slow down: when the weather is very hot, no matter what activities should be slowed down outdoors. 6: Wear cotton and light-colored clothing: Cotton clothing is more breathable, and light-colored clothing can reflect sunlight, so the combination of the two will not make the body temperature too high. 7: Hydrate: If the patient is still conscious, provide the patient with a drink, water is the best choice. 8: Cooling: Splash the patient with water rather than submerging him in cold water. Water splashed on the skin evaporates more quickly to increase the efficiency of cooling. Or use a cold towel to apply wet compresses to the patient, and if possible, move the patient to a place where there is cold air conditioning. 9: Always have summer vacation medicine: you should always have summer vacation drinks and medicines, medicines such as summer vacation tablets, anemarrhena, cool oil, patchouli, rendan pills, ten drops of water and so on. Summer drinks such as: green bean soup, watermelon juice, tomato juice, chrysanthemum tea, and add a little salt in the above drinks, usually drink at any time. 10: light diet: summer should not be high fat, thick and greasy meat and fishy diet, should not be spicy diet, such as fat pork, beef, mutton, chili, hot sauce, pepper, curry powder, ginger, etc. should be eaten as little as possible. High-temperature climate should be given a light diet is preferred. Small recipes to eliminate summer heat: 1: white chrysanthemum, orange peel, hawthorn 5 ~ 10 grams each, with 500 ~ 1000 ml of boiling water, cooled after serving. 2: 15 grams of lotus leaves, 100 grams of mung beans, soybeans, white lentils, 30 grams each, add water and decoction to take the thick juice warm. 3 mint, 30 grams of fresh lotus leaves, add 2000 milliliters of water, decoction for 10 minutes after filtering and adding the appropriate amount of honey (or sugar, rock sugar) stirred cold and drink at will.