Some thoughts on online healthcare

Relying on maximizing the use of our medical resources, including talent, equipment, etc., to achieve online diagnosis and treatment, AI diagnosis and treatment, patient follow-up and education, etc., and ultimately solve the patient's problem

In fact, at present, we go to see a doctor, we will find that throughout the entire process of seeing a doctor and doing Internet technology business is the same, or the whole of the human society works in the same way, which is: Demand Generate - collect data - data analysis - solutions - demand generation --Collection of data .... This process is a continuous cycle until the final problem is solved. Data, which we also call information, flows through our society as the blood of all human behavioral relationships.

Counting from the beginning of having a disease:

The traditional medical process is such that everything is offline, taking up a lot of medical talent and medical institutions, and medical providers are tired of thieves, but still unable to meet the huge demand. Since the doctor's end and the patient's end can't reach the level of satisfaction, it means that reform is needed. The offline medical way has been implemented for so many years, the fact has proved that the use of a single rough way to expand the size of the medical institutions has reached the limit, and then optimize the degree is extremely low. To think differently, the offline transfer to the online, using the Internet + approach, whether it can achieve other industries have proved the efficiency gains?

At present, all the Internet + medical companies are trying, none of them dare to say that they have played this industry (the industry has not been profitable), so we do not have a bright light in front of us to show the way. At this point, in fact, what I just said about how human society works comes back to haunt us:

Demand Generation - Data Collection - Data Analysis - Solution -Solution

Demand generation: I want to move as many steps in healthcare as possible from offline to online

Collecting data: the steps and what they are going to do, see the process above when you have a disease

Data analysis: which of these data collection, analysis, and results can be done online by a doctor, and which can be done by an AI to do

Solution: how to do it

Maximize utilization of medical professionals

Improvement of medically under-utilized professionals

Maximize utilization of medical devices

Improvement of medical device-utilizing professionals