What is the current status of the global outbreak and where is it most severe?

Luxembourg:The country with the highest infection rate of the new crown epidemic worldwide! The United States is the worst! We can't afford to take this situation lightly as C.N.C.P. continues to ravage the world.

Since the 2020 outbreak, which started in China, the disease has spread rapidly around the world in just a few months. But China detected and responded early, mobilizing the entire country to fight the new crown outbreak. Significant results have been achieved in six months. With the exception of imported cases and occasional cases that still exist in individual areas, things are relatively stable in China at present. But looking around the world, it is well known that the United States, as one of the countries with the highest number of confirmed cases. Because of the attitude of the United States Government, the new crown epidemic has not only failed to be contained, but also intensified, and the number of confirmed cases has even exceeded nearly five million. The United States is arguably the number one country in the world in terms of the number of people diagnosed, but the United States is not the number one country in the world in terms of the rate of new crowns diagnosed.

Luxembourg is the world's No. 1 country in terms of new crown infections because it has a population of just 602,000 people relative to some of the most populous countries in the world. And with 3,550 people diagnosed, Luxembourg has a rate of infection of 6 per 1,000, or six out of every 1,000 people, due to its small population base. And in second place was Iceland, followed by Spain, Italy, and the United States in fifth place with an infection rate of 2.3 per 1,000.

Overall, the global situation with the new crown epidemic is very serious, although the United States does not rank first in terms of infection rates. But the U.S. has the highest number of infections, and the country's lack of active prevention and control is one of the reasons why the number of infections is increasing day by day. China can be said to have fought a good battle in the prevention and control of this epidemic. Today, there are still millions of infected people around the world, and people are dying every day because of the epidemic, so the situation is still very serious. Although we have achieved success, we can't be complacent until the epidemic is completely eradicated.