What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET, also known as ASP+, is not just a simple upgrade of ASP, but a new generation of scripting language introduced by Microsoft.ASP.NET is based on the .NET Framework Web development platform, which not only absorbs the biggest advantages of the previous versions of ASP and refers to the advantages of the development of the Java and VB languages to add a lot of new features, but also NET Framework Web development platform not only absorbs the biggest advantages of previous versions of ASP and adds many new features with reference to the development advantages of the Java and VB languages, but also corrects the operational errors of previous versions of ASP.

ASP.NET is a WebForm, which is usually said to be the B/S mode of development. WinForm is a C/S model.

.NET has a variety of languages, such as C#, VB.NET, J#, Jsript, Managed C++, but are running under the .NET FrameWork Run Time.

Asp.NET can be developed in C# or VB. NET FrameWork runtime by compiling it again through the server's IIS+.NET FrameWork.

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Difference between ASP.NET and ASP:

The biggest difference between ASP.NET and ASP lies in the conversion of programming thinking as well as the enhancement of functionality.

One, ASP using VB/JS such a weak type, structure-oriented scripting language mixed html to programming, rather than object-oriented, which obviously produces the following problems:

1, the code logic is confusing, difficult to manage.

2, code reusability is poor: due to structure-oriented programming, and mixed html, so the page may be a prototype to modify a little bit, the entire program needs to be modified, code reuse is poor.

3, weak type caused by potential errors .

So in terms of functionality ASP also has problems:

1, the function is too weak, some of the underlying operation can only be accomplished through the component.

2, the lack of perfect error correction/debugging.

Second, ASP.NET can theoretically use any programming language including C#, VB.NET, JS, J#, Managed C++, etc., the most appropriate programming language or MS for the .NET Frmaework specifically launched C#.

The advantages are as follows:

1, is an object-oriented programming language, easy to learn.

2, with all the characteristics of object-oriented programming language, such as encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, etc., encapsulation makes the code logical and clear, and applied to ASP.NET on the business logic and Html pages can be separated; inheritance and polymorphism makes the code reusable greatly improved

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