How much is the salary of the apprentice auto mechanic

Auto repair apprenticeship depends on where to learn, if it is a large factory to do, probably in the 1500-2000, if it is a private auto repair store will be a little higher 2000-2500 or so. Inside the factory is more stable, but the master may not be so patient to teach you, a lot of things to figure out on their own, private words, generally a master with an apprentice, what do not understand on the direct ask, but bad luck to meet the grumpy master on the end of the day, when I read the junior high school did not have the strength to learn the automotive repair, the master did not have the patience, I have a small force, a little bit of hand and foot slower to be scolded and beaten, you if you really want to learn! If you really want to learn automobile repair, to consider good, there are many occupations than this good.