Chemical deburring is the use of chemical energy for processing, chemical ions will be attached to the surface of the parts, the formation of high resistance, low conductivity film layer, to protect the workpiece from corrosion, and the burr due to the high surface, you can remove the burr through chemical action. This deburring method is widely used in pneumatic, hydraulic, engineering machinery and other fields.
02. High-temperature deburring
First, the parts to be deburred into a tight sealing chamber, and then the whole will be sent to a certain pressure of hydrogen and oxygen mixture of gas, ignition so that the mixture of gas explosion, the release of heat, the parts of the parts of the burr burned off, will not hurt the parts.
03. Roller grinding deburring
Parts and abrasives together into the closed drum, in the process of drum rotation, dynamic torque sensors, parts and abrasives together to produce grinding, deburring. The abrasive can be quartz sand, wood chips, aluminum oxide, ceramics, and metal rings, to name a few.
04. Manual deburring
This method is more traditional and the most time-consuming and laborious. Mainly by hand with a steel file, sandpaper, grinding head and other tools for grinding. The most commonly used in production now is the trimming knife.
05Process Deburring
Edge rounding can refer to all actions that remove the edges of metal parts. However, it is usually associated with creating the radius of the part edge.