Software development engineer has several levels of division, there are several kinds of any certificate

With the popularity and development of the mobile Internet, cell phone applications continue to penetrate into all aspects of our lives, the field of mobile systems and software application development, has become one of the future potential industry, qualified software talent in any enterprise has an irreplaceable competitive advantage .

Choose Jiangxi Xinhua Computer College Software Technology Engineer program, you will learn:

Network Security Fundamentals, Dreamweaver Web Design, Photoshop Web Page Effect Graphics Production, Window Server 2008 Services, Ware Operating System and Active Directory, C Language, SQL Server2005 Database, Design and Advanced Query, HTML5+CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery Advanced Programming, Dynamic Web Page Design PHP+MYSQL, Linux Server Operating System, Data Structure Software Engineering, JAVA Object-Oriented Programming, oracle Database, J2EE Server-Side Advanced Programming, Mobile APP Visual Design, APP Application Program Development, etc.