Shanghai Bailonggang Wastewater Treatment Plant is located on the bank of Yangtze River on the east side of Heqing Township, Pudong New Area, where Bailonggang Wastewater Treatment Plant has been built, and the expansion of the new plant is located on the north side of the pretreatment plant by the Yangtze River, with a total land area of 120 hm2. 1.1 Location of the treatment plant
Shanghai Bailonggang Wastewater Treatment Plant is located on the bank of the Yangtze River on the east side of Heqing Township, Pudong New Area, where Bailonggang Pre-treatment Plant has been built, and the new plant Expansion is located in the pre-treatment plant on the north side of the Yangtze River, with a total land area of 120 hectares.
1.2 Sewage Collection System
The main areas include the city center area, Minhang District and Pudong New District, which are partly combined system and partly diversion system. Shanghai sewage system has been built in the second phase of the transport pipeline, pretreatment plant and sewage discharge pipe, its size of 1.72 million cubic meters / d, service area of 271.7 square kilometers, the population of 3,557,600, considering the recent sewage system is still waiting for time to improve, so the near-term treatment of water in the White Dragon Harbor Sewage Treatment Plant for 1.2 million cubic meters / d. In accordance with the annual sewage planning in 2001, the plant's long-term treatment of water is 2.1 million cubic meters / d.
1.3 Treatment Plant Tailwater Discharge Point
Shanghai City, Shanghai, the second phase of sewage project has been completed in the White Dragon Harbor sewage discharge pipe, diameter 4.2 m, 1.6 km from the shore, point diffusion discharge. After treatment, the tail water meets the standard and is discharged into the built sewage diffusion pipe, diffusion self-purification.
Owner: Shanghai Sea Water Environment Construction Co., Ltd;
Designer: Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute, Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute;
Construction unit: 9 bids, some of which are still in competitive bidding. Recent (this design): average dry flow sewage volume of 1.2 million cubic meters / d;
dry season peak sewage volume of 18.06 cubic meters / s,
dry season minimum sewage volume of 8.33 cubic meters / s,
rainy season flow of 21.85 cubic meters / s,
status quo sewage volume of 0.8 million to 1 million cubic meters / d.
According to the 2001 Shanghai municipal sewage planning, the plant in the long term: sewage design flow for the dry season average of 2.1 million cubic meters / d, the dry season peak 30.6 cubic meters / s, the rainy season flow 33.6 cubic meters / s. The plant is located in the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai, the city of Shanghai.
2.2 Sewage water quality
This system is part of the combined flow system, part of the diversion system, into the treatment plant sewage water quality and water quality of the plant see Table 1. Table 1 Sewage treatment plant water quality in and out of the project COD (mg/L) BOD (mg/L) SS (mg/L) NH3-N (mg/L) TP (mg/L)
Inlet 320 130 170 30 5
Effluent ≤180 ≤70 ≤40 ≤30 ≤1
2.3 Sludge treatment and disposal objectives
The use of sludge storage tanks, dewatering, hygienic landfill, and ultimately as a greening medium soil, to achieve the purpose of comprehensive utilization.
2.4 Main technical parameters of sewage treatment
In order to meet the near-term phosphorus removal as the goal of sewage treatment requirements, while taking into account the long term to meet the national secondary discharge standards, the program recommended by the comparison of the near-term physical method, and then increase the aeration of the aeration biofilter process in the long term. Due to the limited land area of the treatment plant, so the physical method of choice of high-efficiency sedimentation tank layout. Mixing, flocculation, sedimentation of three processes combined in a structure, the main parameters are as follows.
Mixing time: 64 s, PAC 86 mg/L, PAM 0.5 mg/L; flocculation time: 14 min; high-efficiency sedimentation tank: surface load of 17 cubic meters / (square meter - h), retention time of 50 min, sludge reflux ratio of 4%. Generate sludge volume 197 t/d, water content 97%, sludge volume 6930 m3/d.
2.5 High-efficiency sedimentation tank
High-efficiency sedimentation tank recently set up 3 groups, each group of 6 tanks. In the long term, 2 groups will be added. Each group treats about 420,000 cubic meters of water/d (see Figure 2).
Each group has an independent reaction unit, consisting of mixing area, flocculation area, push flow reaction area, sedimentation area and sludge thickening area. The single pool is 25.9 m long, 17 m wide, 8.3 m deep, with a volume of 2,407 m3 and a residence time of 64 min. In the upper part of the sedimentation area, there is an inclined plate, with a single pool inclined plate area of 170 square meters, and a single pool of coagulation pool with a volume of 140 m3 and a size of 6 m×3.2 m×7.3 m.
Mixing area is equipped with 18 sets of Ф500 mixing mixer, and flocculation area is equipped with 18 sets of Ф3600 flocculation mixer, and thickening area is equipped with 18 sets of flocculation mixer, and thickening area is equipped with 18 sets of flocculation mixer. The flocculation area is equipped with 18 sets of Ф3600 flocculation mixers, the thickening area is equipped with 18 sets of Ф17 m thickening scraper, 18 sets of residual sludge pumps with 6 preparations, and 18 sets of reflux sludge pumps with 6 preparations. In addition, there is a dosing system, including coagulant dissolution, dilution, proportioning and dosing, controlled by PLC.
2.6 Sludge treatment and disposal
Recently, the sludge treatment capacity is 197 t/d, and the sludge storage→dehydration→sanitary landfill+comprehensive utilization program (recently implemented physical method) is adopted after comparing the programs (recently implemented physical method), see Fig. 1.
The main sludge treatment structures:
(1) Sludge storage tank. Divided into 6 compartments, each compartment 13 m × 13 m, water depth 4.5 m, each compartment is equipped with 2 sets of submersible mixers, the first sludge storage tank and then into the dewatering machine room.
(2) Sludge dewatering machine room. Plane size 13.3 m × 27 m, two-storey type, set up centrifugal dewatering machine 4 with 1 spare, single machine capacity of 2 600 kg / h, working 20 h per day, and other dosing equipment 3 sets. The centrifugal dewatering sludge, with a water content of about 65%, is transported to a sludge landfill for disposal.
(3) Sludge pile shed. Plane size 36 m×27 m, can pile de-cemented for about 7 d.
(4) Sludge landfill. The use of plant embankment blank land as a sludge landfill, the plant area of about 27 hectares, about 16 hectares outside the plant, the plant and outside the landfill were divided into six landfill areas, the largest one landfill area of about 5.5 hectares, separated by an earth embankment, the embankment on the repair of a single lane, to facilitate the transportation of sludge. The landfill is equipped with vertical impermeable curtains, vertical and horizontal leachate collection system and landfill gas collection system. Closure is applied after each cell is filled. The closure consists of a 45 cm vegetative layer, a PVC membrane, and a 30 cm sludge drainage layer. After about 5 years of landfill, the sludge is ripened and re-dug out for greening soil, and the empty volume is then buried and filled with sludge, so that the cycle is repeated to achieve the purpose of comprehensive utilization of sludge.
2.7 Water reuse
The plant by the first level of enhanced treatment of sewage, to determine the scale of 2500 cubic meters / d as water reuse, the use of aeration biofilter process, after treatment to achieve the water quality standards, for use in the plant. 3.1 Project cost
Preliminary project investment estimate of 615,861,500 yuan, the unit treatment cost of 0.28 yuan / cubic meter.
3.2 Project Progress
April 2001 through the "Shanghai Bailonggang City Sewage Treatment Plant Project Overall Program Design Call", Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute and the Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute won the bid to undertake the engineering design.
In December 2001, the feasibility study report of Shanghai Bailonggang City Sewage Treatment Project was compiled.
In April 2002, the Shanghai Municipal Planning Commission approved the feasibility study.
In May 2002, the preliminary design of Shanghai Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant was prepared.
June 2002 Shanghai Municipal Construction and Management Committee approved the preliminary design.
In June 2002, the preparation of competitive bidding documents for the construction phase began.
Construction began in July 2002, with commissioning scheduled for the end of 2003.
Upgrading works in September 2008