1, Geiger-Maitreya counter: This is a common radiation detection instrument, which can detect the existence and intensity of radioactive particles. It calculates the radiation level by measuring the radiation events caused by radioactive particles.
2. Scintillator detector: This detector uses solid or liquid scintillator materials, which will emit light when excited by radiation particles. The radiation level is judged by measuring the luminous intensity.
3. Ionization chamber: Ionization chamber is a device that can measure radiation dose. It produces ionization effect through the interaction between radiation particles and gas molecules, and measures the current generated in the ionization chamber to calculate the radiation dose.
4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instrument: Although NMR is mainly used for imaging and chemical analysis, it can also be used to detect certain types of radiation, such as ionizing radiation and high-energy particle radiation.
5. Building materials testing instruments: Specific radiation testing instruments can be used to test the content of radioactive elements in building materials (such as soil, water and building structures), so as to assess the radiation risk.
Harm of nuclear radiation
1, causing chronic diseases: nuclear radiation can be divided into natural radiation and artificial radiation. If people are stimulated by nuclear radiation for a long time, they will damage the skin, and the damage will develop to the body, which is easy to cause skin diseases, chronic leukemia, digestive tract diseases and so on.
2, leading to fetal damage: If pregnant women are accidentally exposed to nuclear radiation, it may cause fetal malformation and increase the stillbirth rate. Even if the fetus is born normally, the probability of cancer and leukemia will increase.