Ice point hair removal to do 3 to 5 times after the complete hair to the old still can grow out not

Ice point hair removal is really a permanent way of hair removal basically do 3 times completely removed, the old will not grow out.

But because the hair growth cycle is 28 days, so generally each treatment interval of one month is the most reasonable, Ice point hair removal is no pain in the laser carries heat will only feel the hot hot, but after the general, the doctor back to be iced.

Additionally, the freezing point hair removal is not seasonal, and some people do not recommend doing it in the summer for fear that the sun will produce adverse reactions, in fact, as long as you pay attention to the sun is good to do the freezing point hair removal in the fall is not a problem.


Ice point hair removal is currently the most advanced permanent laser hair removal method, based on the principle of selective photothermal effect and ice point semiconductor laser hair removal instrument, the laser penetrates the surface of the skin to make the hair follicle to maintain a certain temperature, and gently make the hair follicle and the surrounding stem cells inactive, to achieve the purpose of permanent hair removal.

Ice point hair removal can be a large area of cool and painless removal of unwanted hair, effective protection of the surrounding skin, so that lovers can quickly remove hair.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Ice Spot Hair Removal