Evil genius 2 architecture detailed guide plot facilities planning method

Evil Genius 2 plot facility planning is one of the main gameplay in the game, what are the common buildings in this work? Here's a look at the Evil Genius 2 Architecture Detailed Strategy

Evil Genius 2 Architecture Detailed Strategy

Opening the door, this work of architecture does not strictly exist, the existence of the casino science. That's right, the only thing you need to learn to build is the casino.

First of all, outside of casino science:

Because the different plots of land in this game don't interact with each other and don't need to be walled off, the construction of your base doesn't really need to be that subtle, strictly speaking. It just needs to have some concept of movement. For example, although you can let your soldiers walk through a flat area without walls, it is better to have a main road with walls for surveillance and fire extinguishers. Or rather this is the most important use of the passageway, because only on the walls of the passageway can you install surveillance fire extinguishers and traps. So it is still important to plan an unobstructed moving line.

And what you don't have to worry about is that there are three main factors that affect minions: food, intelligence, and health. But once they're not satisfied, minions will rebel. However, what really triggers the minion mutiny mechanism is not how much time he waits but whether you have or don't have the corresponding facilities. In other words, you can have a tired minion walk halfway to the second floor to watch TV, and not have a single TV on the first floor, and it won't cause him to defect.

The real reason for him to defect is: you don't have enough TVs! Once a pawn triggers a demand he will find his own rest, but once you don't have enough facilities full then he will mutiny. That's why it's important to plan your movements wisely and build more facilities. Especially brainwashers and televisions. Later, these two things are best to plan a special area is full of this thing to how many people are enough. Then your minions _ will not have any complaints.

But beware of the medical machine, which is needed when minions are attacked and bleed out. This device is the exception to the rule because your minions are all dead on hit, and don't need a medic at all. And medics are expensive. So even late game you will only need single digit medbay. There will only be two or three bloodied ones in a fight, the rest are lying around.

Next there's the weapons room to be built on the access road in and out of the casino which is also a no-brainer, and I'll emphasize it again, plan a small weapons cache next to the martial artist training room specifically to house the stick racks so the martial artists can get their sticks along the way and the other pawns don't have access to them. Keep only submachine guns in the guarded weapons room. More importantly, try to keep the other skirmishers training away from the martial artist training room, as the skirmishers will take their weapons close by. If it's too close the skirmishers will still walk to the martial artist training room to get their sticks.

Or you hide the stick in the most nook and cranny where you enter the weapons room. Make it so that only the martial artist who has the stick locked will go in and get it, and the other minions will have a line of assault rifles waiting for him as soon as he enters.

Another important point: plan a weapons room across the street from the vault with a guard table in it. Because there's a super-agent that's the most annoying, called the Queen of Balance, who will teleport into your vault to steal money and then sneak out. But the truth is it's equal to the fact that she'll be sharking around the inside of your base with a bunch of minions, the most annoying super agent in my opinion. And she'll leave a road sign like thing in your vault that takes up space and makes it easy for her to teleport next time, and it can only be destroyed manually ......

So the vault must be planned adjacent to the aisle, with a laser door that doesn't block the line of sight at the entrance, and across the way is the guard room, with a camera at the door looking specifically into the inside of the vault. As soon as something happens immediately have the slugger rush in.

Architecture casino chapter:

Friends who have read the minion chapter should know that the high difficulty does not take advantage of the pass, fraudulent type is the key, so the casino is very important. As long as the casino is well planned, plus the celebrities are like a cloud, you will be able to take it easy in high difficulty. The casino is very trashy in the early stages, making money with only mosquito legs, and the tables require servants to operate before you can set up more than a waste of money. Genuinely is a useless space. However, the casino is the most important mechanic in the later stages, as it provides space for fraudulent minions to work. After unlocking the automated tables you will have to constantly expand the casino space. The size of this space depends on when you can get agents to: come from where they came from and go back to where they came from. In a civilized way to complete our evil journey (evil laugh) the following is an extreme point of the example: this is the example I used to explain to you, do not copy, because this is the pass file, did not get so detailed is that I used to summarize the problem, a lot of things did not get such as the vault opposite did not plan the weapons room)

We look at this casino planning, although I pulled the camera to the furthest but also did not take a full picture of the casino, in fact this casino is circular and completely wraps around my base. Agents entering from the tarmac need to go around the base in a full circle and finally reach the entrance which is separated from the starting point by a wall, so you can zoom in if you can't see it. During this time my minions _constantly_ approached him to chat about the slots all over the place, no agent was not going home. In fact, after my repeated observations, there is no agent who can walk a full semicircle

This planning is strictly unnecessary for everyone to learn. Because you only need to plan a semicircle. An overly huge casino space will also dilute your celebrity density, which is actually not conducive to chat explosions. So we have to plan a casino large enough within reason at the same time the number of celebrities is dense enough so that the agents can not walk three or two steps to chat, walk one step to chat. Instead of walking half a day before encountering a celebrity. The casino is planned to be big enough, with enough space and enough slot machines. But not too many, because it's not the casino that really makes a difference, it's the celebrities. The casino is just a space for the celebrities to work. Gambling machines in the casino can only reduce the skill of the agents, and skill is the most useless attribute, skill can easily be reduced to nothing, but the agents will still visit the lair.