Class No. Name Score
I. Multiple-choice questions (2 points each, ***40 points)
1. When the following substances are burned in oxygen, sparks fly and a black solid is produced ( )
A. magnesium strips B. red phosphorus C. iron filings D. sulphur
2. The following chemical phenomena are correctly described ( )
A. A. A burning spoon containing red phosphorus is stretched into an oxygen cylinder, and the phosphorus burns immediately
B. Iron wire burns in oxygen, sparks shoot out, and a white solid is produced
C. Charcoal burns more vigorously in oxygen than in air, emits a white light, and releases heat
D. Sulphur burns in oxygen, and a white solid is produced
3. A device similar to the one shown at right is used in hospitals to administer oxygen to patients. The following statements about this device are not correct ( ).
A. b conduit is connected to the cylinder supplying oxygen B. b conduit is connected to the plastic tube through which the patient sucks in oxygen
C. The device is used to observe whether there is any output of oxygen
D. The device is used to observe the speed of output of oxygen
4. Catalysts are used in a chemical reaction, as well as before and after a chemical reaction. Chemical properties change ④chemical properties ⑤can speed up the reaction ⑥If you forget to add manganese dioxide when making oxygen from hydrogen peroxide, the output of oxygen will be reduced ⑦Manganese dioxide can be used as a catalyst for various chemical reactions. The above statements are correct ( ) A . ① ③ B. ② ④ ⑤ ⑥ C. ② ④ D. ② ③ ⑤ ⑦
5. The fuel that does not pollute the air when it is burned is ( )
A. Gas B. Coal C. Hydrogen D. Charcoal
6. Four solid portions of potassium chlorate of equal mass (similar in nature to hydrogen peroxide) are added to the first portion with a small amount of manganese dioxide, to the second portion with a small amount of potassium permanganate, to the third with a small amount of glass, to the third with a small amount of fine powder, and to the fourth without any other addition. fine powder, the fourth does not add other substances. So that they are completely decomposed by heat, the reaction quickly and release the most amount of oxygen is ( )
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
7. encounter the following situations, the measures taken are correct ( )
A. alcohol lamp accidentally overturned fire, immediately douse with water B. found that natural gas leaks at home, and immediately turn on the range hood
C. the home of a small amount of manganese dioxide, the third added a small amount of glass powder, the fourth without adding other substances.
C. Residential and shopping malls and other places where fires occur, using high-pressure water jets spray water to extinguish the fire
D. Electrical fire, the first end of the bubble fire extinguishers, and then cut off the power supply
8. A new type of green batteries ------ fuel cells, is the H2 , CO, and other fuels in the constant input of air, the direct oxidation of the chemical energy into electrical energy, known as the 21st Century "Green" power station of the 21st century. These three gases can be used as fuel because ( )
A. are non-toxic, harmless gas B. can be burned and emit a lot of heat
C. combustion products are CO2 and H2 O D. are in nature in large quantities
9. a gas is soluble in water, smaller than the density of the air in the laboratory with the mixing of the two solid medicines and heating to produce this gas. If this gas is compared with oxygen, the following statements are wrong ( )
A. The method of collecting the gas is the same as that of oxygen B. The same experimental setup as that of oxygen can be used to produce the gas
C. The properties of the gas are different from those of oxygen D. The catheter should be extended into the test tube during the reaction to facilitate the discharge of the gas
10. The following statements about decomposition reactions are correct ( )
10. A. A chemical reaction in which two or more other substances are produced from one substance
B. A chemical reaction in which two or more other substances are produced from one substance
C. A chemical reaction in which two other substances are produced from one substance
D. A change in which a substance is separated
11. = Z + W reaction, if 20 g X and 15 g Y happen to react completely to produce 5 g W, and the relative molecular mass of Z is 60, then the relative molecular mass of X is ( )
A. 40 B. 50 C. 60 D. 70
12. commonly used combustion method for determining the composition of organic substances. Now take 3.2 grams of an organic matter in a sufficient amount of oxygen in the full combustion, the generation of 4.4 grams of CO2 and 3.6 grams of H2O, then the organic matter (relative atomic mass: H-1; C-12; O-16)
A. must contain C, H two elements, may contain O elements B. must contain C, H, O three elements
C. must contain C, O two elements and may contain element H. D. Contains only two elements, C and H.
13 . Carbon dioxide is only about 0.03% of the total volume of air, but it plays an extremely important role in plant and animal life
activity. Carbon dioxide cycle in nature as shown in the figure on the right
Show, the following processes at X is unreasonable ( )
A. Respiration of humans and animals B. Development of the use of hydrogen fuel
C. Combustion of fossil fuels D. Respiration of plants
14. The following experimental design is feasible ( )
A. In the laboratory with a leaky-bottomed test tube, a small beaker, a rubber stopper with a conduit, and a ball of fine copper wire,
can be assembled to produce CO2.
B.Remove a small amount of CO impurities from CO2 by ignition.
C.Identify air, oxygen, and carbon dioxide by using a thin strip of wood with a spark on it.
D.Use a thin strip of wood with a spark to identify air, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
D.Use a thin strip of wood with a spark on it.
D. Use the right amount of dilute sulfuric acid to remove the scale in a hot kettle (the main ingredient is calcium carbonate)
15. The following accounts of photosynthesis in green plants are wrong ( )
A. Photosynthesis converts inorganic matter into organic matter B. All the cells of the green plant body are capable of photosynthesis
C. The green plant's D. Photosynthesis in green plants is also a process of energy conversion
16. The easiest way to identify the three gases, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide, is to ( )
A. test the solubility of the three gases B. stick a burning stick of wood into the cylinders containing each of the three gases
C. determine the densities of the three gases D. pour clarified lime water into the bottles D. pouring clarified lime water into the bottle
17. 2001 was an extraordinary year, China formally joined the WTO and won the right to host the 29th Summer Olympics in 2008. In order to show a new image to the world, a school students put forward in the following environmental protection proposals:
① development of new energy sources, reduce the burning of fossil fuels, ② development and production of non-mercury batteries; ③ advocate the use of disposable foam plastic tableware and plastic bags; ④ advocate the use of handkerchiefs, reduce the use of napkins; ⑤ sorting and recycling of garbage.
The one you think can be adopted is ( ).
A. ① ③ ⑤ B. ① ② ③ ⑤ C. ① ② ④ ⑤ D. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
18. There are five steps to make CO2 in the laboratory: ① checking the airtightness of the device; ② assembling the apparatus according to the requirements; ③ injecting the acid into the funnel; ④ placing a small piece of marble in the wide-mouthed flask; ⑤ collecting the gas. The following sequence of operations is correct ( ) A. ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ B. ② ① ④ ③ ⑤ C. ① ④ ② ③ ⑤ D. ② ③ ④ ① ⑤
19. The following facts can be a good indication that the gas in the cylinder is CO2 ( )
A. The cylinder is placed on the table, and the gas in the cylinder is colorless
B. The purple litmus test solution is poured into the cylinder, and when the cylinder is shaken, the solution turns red
B. The purple litmus test solution is added and shaken, and the solution turns red
B. The gas in the cylinder turns red. The gas in the cylinder is colorful
B. Pour purple litmus solution into the cylinder and shake it, the solution turns red
C. Stick a burning stick of wood into the cylinder and the flame goes out
D. Pour an appropriate amount of clarified limewater into the cylinder and shake it, the limewater turns cloudy
20. A pot of a growing plant is sealed in an impermeable bell jar, as shown in the figure, and the temperature inside the jar is kept constant by the water outside. The device is placed at a temperature of 25°C. The red ink column moves in the direction of
( ) (Sodium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide)
A. to the left B. to the right
C. does not move D. to the left first, then to the right
II. Fill in the blanks (1 point for each blank, ***30 points)
21. Fill in the blanks of the following short text by labeling each of the following.
A. spontaneous combustion B. slow oxidation C. combustion D. explosion
(1) in the process of human respiration and food decay are included; (2) substances in the process of slow oxidation will continue to release heat, firewood, straw, etc., if piled up irrationally, the air does not circulate, over time will cause; (3) tied to a thin wire after the firewood ignited, and so the firewood is almost burned out. Slowly inserted into a cylinder containing oxygen, the wire violently (4) when the air is mixed with gasoline vapors, the danger of contact with open flames.
22. The United States PPG company produces "self-purifying glass" of the magic lies in its 40-nanometer-thick titanium dioxide (TiO2) "nano-film coat". Its "nano-film coat" can be with the role of ultraviolet rays in the sun's rays, decomposition of organic matter falling on the glass, so that the organic matter into nothing; can also make the surface of the glass raindrops or fog into a thin layer of the surface of the glass to make the glass surface wet, and wash off the surface of the dirty things. Industrial titanium dioxide can be produced in the following way: 2FeTiO3 + 7Cl2 + 3C = 2X + 2FeCl3 + 3CO2, X + O2 = TiO2 + 2Cl2, the chemical formula of X is .
23. The mice and frogs from 25 ℃ room temperature to 4 ℃ environment, the two oxygen consumption changes are: the frog's oxygen consumption will be , the mouse's oxygen consumption will be .
24. Generally speaking, the amount of oxygen in the air is relatively stable, in nature, both the process of oxygen consumption, but also the process of oxygen production, according to the following requirements, each give an example. (1)Consumption of oxygen
(2)Production of oxygen
25.In the reaction A + B = C + D, if the mass ratio of the products C and D is 2:3, when 5 g of A takes part in the reaction to produce 3 g of C, the mass of the resulting D is ________g.
26.A student visiting Jewel Mountain in Hangzhou found that there is a stone carving of the Song Dynasty with different degrees of The main reason for the corrosion of the stone carving is that the stone carving is corroded. In order to slow down the corrosion of stone carvings, please make a suggestion:
27. When using quicklime mixed with water to make slaked lime, you can see that the water boils violently and produces a large amount of white smoke, these phenomena show that there is a large amount of release in the process of the reaction. Lime water for a long time to hold the inner wall of the beaker is often attached to a layer of white film, its main component is . To remove this film, it should be washed with and then rinsed with water.
28.A.B.C. three elements, A is the most abundant element in the earth's crust; B is the most abundant element in the air; C elements of the monomers in the air combustion produces a weak light blue flame and produce a pungent odor of the gas, try to write them with hydrogen combined with the compound molecular formula A/ B/. C/
29. In order to reduce the pollution of air from car exhaust, a nano-scale oxide can be used as a catalyst, so that the exhaust in the CO and nitrogen oxides (NOX) reaction, into the air contains two gases (one of which is a monomers), the reaction of the chemical equation for .
30, supercritical CO fluid is a similar to water, can be flame retardant, solvency ability of the solvent, known as "green solvent". It as a "green solvent" as one of the reasons is to replace many harmful, toxic, flammable organic solvents; second is
31. An agro-industrial trade group production base staff, in the temperature and atmospheric composition can be controlled in the plastic film greenhouse cultivation of vegetables, in order to improve vegetable production often take some measures to
32. The first step is to make sure that the plant's metabolism is not too high. Please answer the following questions according to the characteristics of plant metabolism:
(1) When the daytime temperature is suitable, sufficient light, moisture in the soil, inorganic salts to fully meet the growth of plants, in order to make the crop to increase the yield of the measures that should be taken . The main reason for taking this measure is .
(2) at night to reduce the temperature of the greenhouse, so that the respiration of the crop is weakened, reduce decomposition. The main reason for lowering the temperature can make the respiration weakened is .
Three. Experimental design, inquiry questions (10 points per question, ***30 points)
32. An important part of engaging in a scientific experiment is to carry out the design of the scientific experiment. The correct steps of scientific experiments should be: ① clear experimental purpose ② collect relevant information ③ design a reasonable program ④ conduct scientific experiments. Please follow these four steps, complete the following experimental design:
In the laboratory, commonly used to heat the solid NH4Cl and Ca (OH) 2 mixture of methods to produce ammonia, the reaction of the chemical equation is: NH4Cl + Ca (OH) 2 == CaCl2 + 2H2O + 2NH3↑. It is known that in standard conditions, the density of ammonia is 0.77l g / L, the density of air is l.293 g / L, and at room temperature and pressure, ammonia is soluble in water.
1) Define the purpose of the experiment: _______ .
② collect relevant information: reactants:; reaction conditions:
property of the gas:
③ design a reasonable program: the device used ______ , the collection device used _____ . (The diagram of the device used is indicated by the serial number)
④Conduct a scientific experiment.
33. A plant was placed in a dark environment for 48 hours, and then the veins of a leaf were cut off (as shown in the figure below) and exposed to sunlight for 4 hours, and then the leaf was decolorized and treated with iodine solution, and it was found that the a part (upper) of the leaf was brown, and the b part (lower) of the leaf was blue, and the experiment showed that: (1) . (fill in letter code)
A. Photosynthesis requires light B. Photosynthesis requires CO2
C. Photosynthesis requires H2O D. Chloroplasts are organelles for photosynthesis
(2) . (fill in the letter code) A. The upper part of the leaf has starch production, the lower part has no starch production
B. The lower part of the leaf has starch production, the upper part has no starch production
34. Oxygen is commonly used in the laboratory to produce a certain mass fraction of hydrogen peroxide solution. A student before the experiment weighed a certain mass fraction of hydrogen peroxide solution 42.5 grams, add 1 gram of MnO2, complete reaction weighed the mass of the residue is 41.9 grams. Calculate (1) the mass of oxygen given off in the reaction. (2) The mass fraction of hydrogen peroxide solution added in the experiment.