For bone density measurement, the instrument used and the measuring site are key, and different measuring sites will affect the diagnosis of the condition. The current children's ultrasonic bone densitometer according to the different measurement site and finger bone detection, heel detection, radius detection and tibia detection. In general, the order of the test site of the regular hospital for the radius, tibia, heel, thus, the radius measurement of bone density is the most preferred method.
The radius is located on the outer side of the forearm, the side of the thumb, divided into one and two ends, is one of the long bones of the forearm, using the radius part of the measurement of children's bone density is the advantage of the wrist measurement, simple and convenient, representative of the good, the child did not have to resist the psychological.
Helifu deluxe push model ultrasonic bone densitometer is a bias in the children's bone density measurement equipment, designed to add a number of children's testing procedures, the instrument covers 0-36 months of infants and young children age analysis database, in order to attract children to the children's software to add a cartoon video features such as design. It is also the only ultrasound bone densitometer that can respond to the effects of height, weight, gender, calcium intake, and physical activity on bone strength.