1, marine disposal
Marine disposal is mainly divided into ocean dumping and ocean burning two methods. With the deepening of people's understanding of the importance of protecting the environment and ecology and the improvement of the overall environmental awareness, ocean disposal has been more and more restrictions.
2, land disposal
Land disposal includes land cultivation, engineering bank or retention pond storage, landfill, and deep well injection of several kinds. Landfill is one of the most commonly used methods.
Agricultural: that is, the use of surface soil ion exchange, adsorption, microbial degradation, and leaching water leaching, volatilization of degradation products and other integrated action mechanism for the disposal of solid wastes a method. This technology has the advantages of simple process, suitable cost, easy maintenance of equipment, very small impact on the environment, can improve soil structure, increase the effectiveness of fertilizer, etc. It is mainly used to dispose of solid waste with low salt content, non-toxic and biodegradable.
such as sludge and fly ash applied to agricultural land as a treatment method has attracted attention. Production practice and scientific research work has proved that the application of sludge, fly ash in agricultural land can be fertilized, play a role in improving the soil and increase yields.
Landfill disposal: it is from the traditional landfill and landfill disposal developed a final disposal technology. It has become a major method of solid waste disposal because of its simplicity, low cost and suitability for disposal of many types of waste.
There are many types of landfill disposal and different names are used. According to the landfill terrain features can be divided into mountain landfill, flat landfill, waste pit landfill; according to the state of the landfill can be divided into anaerobic landfill, aerobic landfill, quasi-aerobic landfill; according to the law can be divided into sanitary landfill and security landfill, etc.. With the different types of landfills and their landfill structure and performance are also different.
The landfill mainly consists of: waste dams, rainwater collection and drainage systems (including leachate collection and drainage systems, leachate treatment systems), release gas treatment systems, access management facilities, access roads, environmental monitoring systems, dispersal prevention facilities, disaster prevention facilities, management offices, and isolation facilities.
Sanitary landfills are suitable for the disposal of general solid waste. Sanitary landfill to dispose of municipal waste, not only the operation is simple, convenient construction, low cost, but also at the same time can be recovered methane gas, at home and abroad is widely used. In the process of sanitary landfill site selection, design, construction, operation and closure, should focus on the prevention of leachate leakage, degradation of gas release control, odor and pathogenic bacteria elimination, site development and utilization of several major issues.
Disposal by deep well injection: this refers to the injection of liquids into the subsurface within permeable rock formations separated from drinking water and vein layers. General and hazardous wastes can be disposed of by deep well injection. However, it is mainly used to dispose of wastes that have proved difficult to destroy, difficult to convert, cannot be treated by other methods or are expensive to treat by other methods. Before disposal by deep well injection, the waste needs to be liquefied to form a true solution or emulsion.
The planning, design, construction and operation of a deep well injection disposal system is divided into several phases, including waste pre-treatment, site selection, well drilling and construction, and environmental monitoring. As well as environmental monitoring and other phases.?
3, crushing methods
The crushing methods for solid waste can be divided into three types: dry, wet and semi-wet crushing. Among them, wet crushing and semi-wet crushing is in the crushing at the same time both classification and sorting treatment, dry crushing is usually called crushing, can be divided into mechanical energy crushing and non-mechanical energy crushing two methods.
1, industrial solid waste
In the industrial production and processing, discharged into the environment of a variety of slag, sludge, dust and so on. Industrial solid waste if not strictly in accordance with environmental standards require safe treatment and disposal of land resources, water resources will cause serious pollution.
2, hazardous solid waste
Hazardous solid waste refers to hazardous wastes, flammable, corrosive, reactive, infectious, toxic, radioactive and other characteristics of a variety of hazardous wastes generated by a variety of production enterprises.
From the point of view of the characteristics of hazardous waste, it lurks a great harm to human health and environmental protection. Such as causing or contributing to higher mortality rates, or increase the incidence of serious diseases, or in the improper management of the time will cause significant acute human health or the environment. Immediate, or potential hazards, etc.
3, medical waste
refers to medical and health care institutions in the medical, preventive, health care and other related activities generated by the direct or indirect infectious, toxic and other hazardous waste. There are five main categories; infectious waste, pathological waste, injurious waste, pharmaceutical waste, chemical waste.
4, municipal waste
Municipal waste refers to solid waste generated in the city's daily life or activities that provide services for daily life in the city. It includes organic: melon and fruit peelings, leftovers, inorganic: waste paper, beverage cans, scrap metal, etc., and hazardous: such as waste batteries, fluorescent tubes, expired medicines, etc.
References for the above: Baidu Encyclopedia-Solid Waste, Baidu Encyclopedia-Solid Waste Pollution