How about employment in medical devices? What is the approximate salary after employment?

It's still good, usually around $10,000.

Medical devices are instruments, equipment, apparatus, in vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrators, materials, and other similar or related items used directly or indirectly in the human body, including the required computer software. Medical devices include medical equipment and medical consumables.


The medical device industry is a multidisciplinary, knowledge-intensive, capital-intensive, high-tech industry with a high barrier to entry. The overall level of medical equipment in Chinese medical institutions is still very low. Among the medical devices and equipments in primary medical and healthcare institutions nationwide, about 15% are products around 1970s and 60% are products before mid-1980s, and the process of their upgrading and replacing is another process of releasing the demand, which will ensure that China's medical device market will have a The rapid growth of China's medical device market will be guaranteed in the next 10 years or even longer.