What is the radiation dose for oral ct?

It depends on what type of ct you are using and what that company makes. Different companies have different doses.

General spiral ct that is usually the dose of medical ct is 1200~3300μsv, but after medical tests, occasionally do a few times, there is no obvious adverse effect on the human body. If you use a frontal special ct, that is, the usual oral ct, the dose is usually 8~200μsv, the impact is even smaller.

If the company's ct is the most widely used in the world, it means that the product's safety is high, but in any case, please don't panic, it won't have much effect.

The domestic situation is different from the foreign situation, in the domestic diagnosis of the doctor on the purchase of equipment more decisive, they care only about the quality of imaging, depending on the scanning parameters, different equipment, different parameters, different parts of the examination, different examination purposes, the radiation dose varies greatly in some hospitals and even clinics do not go through the formal process of randomly installing the impression of the equipment and its protection methods are greatly not pass.

The sensitivity of different tissues or organs of the human body to radiation is different, the role of rays on the human body, there are three biochemical indicators may change ? white blood cells, platelets, chromosomes.

Oral CT is a spiral collection of data around a section of the body's volume. The essential difference between oral CT and conventional CT is that the former acquires three-dimensional information while the latter acquires two-dimensional information. Oral CT improves scanning speed, scanning coverage, gapless acquisition of volumetric data, facilitating image reconstruction in various modalities and from various angles, and can be arbitrarily and retrospectively reconstructed.

Oral CT three-dimensional reconstruction techniques include multiplanar reorganization (MPR), maximum density projection (MIP), surface shadow display (SSD) and volumetric reproduction (VR), etc., and different reconstruction methods are selected according to different sites, lesions and clinical requirements.

Oral CT, with the help of dental CT imaging software (dental CT program, DCT), can be reconstructed to obtain a panoramic image of the jaw-oral cavity and tomographic images in various directions, with clear and intuitive images, which have been successfully used for preoperative measurement of dental implantation, diagnosis of oral inflammation, tumors and oral maxillary sinus fistulae, and a variety of other diseases.