Ear thermometer in the end is not accurate

The accuracy of the ear thermometer is not very good, the permissible error of the ear thermometer itself, usually in the range of 36-39 ℃ ± 0.2 ℃, higher than 39 ℃ and lower than 36 ℃ for ± 0.3 ℃.

The permissible error of the ear thermometer itself is usually ±0.2℃ within the range of 36-39℃, and ±0.3℃ when it is higher than 39℃ and lower than 36℃. When using an ear thermometer, incorrect use can also bring additional errors. For example, a large amount of earwax in the ear canal can lead to errors. When measuring, the temperature field inside the ear hole will change due to the ear thermometer plugging the ear hole, and the display value will change if the measurement time is too long. If the measurement interval is not appropriate when repeating the measurement several times, the reading of the ear thermometer will be different every time.

Precautions for using an ear thermometer

The best thing to do is to use a new cover every time you use it, and if you don't have enough cover, you can use plastic wrap, but it's more trouble than it's worth;

The deeper the tip of the ear thermometer, the better, but don't make it uncomfortable;

The best thing to do for measuring a child's ear is to gently pull the ear backward and upward (and straighten out the ear canal);

It's best to measure both ears, or even one ear alone, and then to measure the ear's temperature.

It is better to measure both ears, even one ear alone three times, take the highest value (because there may be 0.1 ℃ ~ 0.3 ℃ error on both sides;

Just too long exposure to the sun or exercise, to avoid measuring, otherwise the measured value may be higher than the actual temperature.