Can css make web page text blink?

This css code is text blinking text-decoration:blink; but unfortunately, IE, Chrome or Safari do not support the "blink" attribute value, so only in Firefox and Opera support this CSS implementation in the blink effect.

Add the js code on it

html code

<span id="blink">blink text</span>

JavaScript code:

<script type = "text/ javascript" >

function blinklink() {

if (!document.getElementById('blink').style.color) {

document.getElementById( 'blink').style.color = "red";


if (document.getElementById('blink').style.color == "red") {

document.getElementById(' blink').style.color = "black";

} else {

document.getElementById('blink').style.color = "red";


timer = setTimeout ("blinklink()", 100);


function stoptimer() {



