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Temperature is a living environment and people's physical has close relation, but also a people in scientific experiments and production activities Temperature control technology is a kind of important industrial technology, not only in the chemical industry, medical, aerospace and other high-tech areas, also used in the Temperature control technology is a kind of important industrial technology, not only in the chemical industry, medical, aerospace and other high-tech areas, also used in People's Daily life. Heating system is the indispensable part in life, especially in the winter cold, indoor heating appears especially important and indoor temperature is through the supply system of heating. this subject to design a system of heating of rotary thermostat, thermostat is expected range of 0 ~ temperature control and 40 ° c, the control accuracy ± 1 ° c, temperature indoors can adjust. This design based on singlechip, periphery mainly includes: the power supply module, temperature gathering module, dial the disc temperature input module, driving the disc, and the power supply module. This design based on singlechip, periphery mainly includes: the power supply module, temperature gathering module, dial the disc temperature input module, driving module. The principle is: the whole system change by turn potentiometer output voltage, each corresponding to A voltage output voltage, temperature, access via A/D conversion, and after the digital quantity comparing numerical data output DS18B20, is the collection of temperature and the temperature setting, driven by comparing chip relay, the open or closed heating system, thus the thermoelectric valve on or off, to design the system of heating. understand?