Excel equipment ledger how to do?

1, first of all, open excel software on the computer side, and open a spreadsheet software interface, to set the title name.

2, fill in the first line of the computer ledger after the name, and then proceed to set the serial number of the computer ledger.

3, in the first column after filling out the serial number of the computer ledger, add the computer ledger to use the department.

4, fill out the computer ledger after the use of the department, fill out the brand column. Easy to categorize and find computers.

5, fill in the brand of the computer, fill in the computer's factory code, as the computer's identification code.

6, fill in the factory code, fill in the computer's model, you can find the computer model parameters.

7, fill in the computer model, fill in the date of purchase, to facilitate the financial sector of the reconciliation process.

8, fill in the purchase date, and then fill in the purchase amount. Facilitate the asset management department for booking processing.

9, fill in the purchase amount, then fill in the user column, in order to record the use of computer assets custody.

10, fill out the user column, fill out the asset management department, to facilitate the use of physical inventory.

11, the entire form is probably filled out after the title, enter the content of the use, improve the computer information, so that a good computer ledger management form.