I.PP filter: the new cartridge is white, if the time is long the surface will be silt sediment, brown, that the cartridge can not be used, rinse off the surface sediment with water, you can continue to use 1 week or so, but can not be used for long periods of time, it's life expectancy is generally in the 3-6 months.
Two RO reverse osmosis membrane: water consumption in 10 liters / day, you can rinse 3-5 times, more than 10L, then more than a few times. If not used for a long time (such as more than four weeks), you need to take it out and soak it in disinfectant to avoid bacterial growth, but the process is more troublesome, it is recommended that the machine is often turned on with a small amount of water to allow the formation of the water inside the machine to circulate and minimize the deposition of stagnant water for too long. The life of the reverse osmosis membrane is generally 2-3 years.
three. Activated carbon: activated carbon mainly through adsorption to remove odors, organic matter, etc. in the water. Tap water has residual chlorine, which has a great oxidizing effect on the reverse osmosis membrane, so it must be removed by activated carbon. Activated carbon from the surface there is no intuitive change, generally in about a year to reach saturation adsorption will need to be replaced.
Four. Ultra-purification column: the role of reverse osmosis purified water for deep desalination, ultimately reaching the level of ultra-pure water. The life of the purification column by the resistivity online to show, below a particular resistance that is expressed in the purification column expired.