Opening a medical equipment store to make money

Extremely marketable and promising.

China is entering the stage of aging, the number of elderly people in the explosive growth of health care is more focused on the body, in order to be more timely, healthier care, basically the home will always be equipped with basic medical equipment, such as acupuncture, massage sticks, blood pressure monitors and other physical therapy equipment.

At the same time, with the life, work pressure increases, many young people appeared on this kind of stress reduction, soothe the nerves of the strong demand for home medical equipment, it can be seen, open medical equipment stores, very market, the prospects are considerable.

Looking at the present time, although the demand for home medical equipment for modern families has been listed state, at that time, the real professional, perfect medical equipment store, obviously far from adequate, especially the second and third-tier cities and towns, can only be purchased through online shopping or other forms of purchase, so that the market there is still a lot of room for development.

To help the development of medical device innovation:

It is understood that in the process of revising the medical device regulations, the State Food and Drug Administration has fully considered the current medical device regulatory work in practice and clinical trials in the work of the problems, in line with the concept of scientific supervision .

From the perspective of actively exploring and innovating the regulatory mechanism, improving the relevant management system, implementing the requirements to reduce pressure on enterprises, stimulate the vitality of the market, and actively promote the innovation and upgrading of medical devices, and promote the healthy development of the medical device industry, the clinical evaluation of medical devices put forward a more scientific and reasonable requirements.

Reference: People's Daily Online - Boosting medical device innovation