Then click on the menu bar of the Insert menu, in this menu you can see the chart function, click on the icon function will be able to see the bar chart, line graph, pie charts, bar charts, area charts, scatter charts, stock price charts, radar charts, combination charts and other charts. Users can choose the most suitable chart according to their personal preferences. After clicking on any chart, the corresponding chart will appear in the table. Users can drag and drop to move the chart to the appropriate position. You can also zoom in and out.
Users can refine the chart by using the charts on the right side of the icon, adding titles and data labels to the chart elements, clicking on the brush icon to add color to the elements in the chart, and clicking on the funnel icon to filter the values. If the user wants to highlight a value in the data analysis table, he can double click on the number and edit it. The user can fill the color and line of the number or add an effect to the data to make it stand out. If you are using a pie chart, you can also adjust the angle of the chart in the series function. Or adjust the degree of separation of the pie chart.