Nurse Salaries at South Lake Tahoe Hospital in Huzhou

Average 5500 per month.

According to the Huzhou South Taihu Lake Hospital nurse job posting provided by the Job Search website, the average salary for nurses in Huzhou is 5,500 per month, with a minimum salary of 4,125 per month and a maximum salary of 6,875 per month.

Huzhou South Taihu Lake Hospital is located in the South Taihu Lake New Area Kangshan Street, covers an area of 80 acres, construction area of 120,000 square meters, planning to set up beds 1350, a total investment of 1.5 billion yuan, is the only one in the southwest block of Lake City to the construction of the standards of the third-class general hospital set of medical care, emergency care, rehabilitation, prevention, health care, as one of the modern large-scale general hospital.