Belkom's thermometer displays Err1 because the environment in which the measurement is taken is lower than 16℃ or higher than 35℃, and when the product is turned on and the "Measurement" button is pressed, "Err1/Er1" will be displayed.
The infrared thermometer has environmental requirements, take Beercon thermometer JXB-178 as an example:
The instruction manual has a specific use of the environment: 10 ° C ~ 40 ° C, when the temperature range beyond the measurement of the body temperature, the forehead thermometer may be displayed on the screen "Err1".
Expanded Information:
Infrared thermometer use recommendations:
1, temperature measurement Probe should be kept clean, the device battery power should be sufficient;
2, measuring body temperature, thermometer probe distance from the measured part of the general 1cm ~ 3cm, or according to the distance required by the manual;
3, the use of the ambient temperature should be in the manual in the range of temperatures, if the ambient temperature does not meet the requirements, it is recommended that you can take the following methods:
Outdoor Measurement, it is recommended that the use of the tent - the spare infrared thermometer stored in a warming box, rotate the use of; in the non-measurement, put into the arms, insulation;
The use of warm babies and other methods, the thermometer for insulation; should ensure that the person to be measured in the temperature measurement before the ambient temperature is not a large difference between the temperatures.
If you are in an environment with a large temperature difference (e.g., suddenly moving from outdoor to indoor), or when using the thermometer at low temperatures outdoors, it is recommended that you measure the parts of the skin covered by your clothes or a scarf, such as the wrist and neck, to make the numbers you get more accurate.