Liquid nitrogen biological container, as its name implies, is to put your biological sample into a container filled with liquid nitrogen to keep its activity. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is-196℃, and the sample can be frozen for a certain time to prevent the sample from spoilage. These samples can be taken out and reactivated in the future for various experiments or studies.
Biological liquid nitrogen container
The reason why the liquid nitrogen biological container is used to store liquid nitrogen and samples is because it is made of high-strength materials and has good vacuum performance and heat insulation performance, which can prevent temperature fluctuation and environmental pollution.
Liquid nitrogen biological containers are widely used. For example, in disease research, human cells can be put into liquid nitrogen containers by establishing cell lines to study the development and treatment of infectious diseases. In the field of animal husbandry research, liquid nitrogen biological containers can be used to preserve frozen semen, which is very important for animal variety improvement. In the field of genetic engineering, researchers can use liquid nitrogen biological containers to freeze and preserve unstable DNA and sterile cells.
In a word, the liquid nitrogen biological container uses the low temperature characteristics of liquid nitrogen to realize the long-term preservation of biological samples.