Nearly half of the world's new diagnoses are from India, where the outbreak is being blamed on the emergence of a mutated New Crown Virus and the country's premature liberalization of precautionary measures.
I: India's new crown epidemicAccording to the data on May 2, the world's cumulative number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia more than 150 million cases, the cumulative number of deaths of more than 3,186,000 cases, of which the new confirmed cases than the day before the increase of more than 808,000 cases of deaths of more than 128,000 cases of new cases of new crown pneumonia in India on the day of the new cases of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia is more than 392,000, accounting for the new global On that day, India had more than 392,000 new confirmed cases of C pneumonia, accounting for nearly half of the global number of new cases. The number of new cases in India on a single day has exceeded 300,000 for many consecutive days and has repeatedly set a new record for the number of new confirmed cases on a single day globally, while the cumulative number of deaths in India has also exceeded 215,000 cases. World Health Organization experts also pointed out that the Indian epidemic or was seriously underestimated, India's actual number of infected people may be 20 to 30 times the official data, that is, India's actual number of people infected with the new coronavirus may have reached between 350 million and 530 million.
Two: the reasons for the loss of India's epidemicIndia has seen a serious rebound in the neo-coronavirus epidemic, the main reasons are the following: first, India's neo-coronavirus has appeared? double mutation? mutation,? The double mutation? of the new coronavirus has a stronger infectious and pathogenic ability, and may even appear immune escape phenomenon, reducing the neutralization effect of the new coronavirus vaccine, relevant data show that the number of people infected with the mutated new coronavirus in India is gradually increasing the proportion. Secondly, at the beginning of the year India's new crown epidemic has been alleviated to some extent, the Indian government has subsequently liberalized the relevant anti-epidemic measures, since March India also held a national election rallies and large-scale traditional cultural festivals, attracting millions of people to gather to participate in the majority of them have not yet taken any anti-epidemic measures, and further for the mutated New Crown Virus provides a large platform for the spread of the new crown virus.
Three: Indian government initiativesIndia's new coronavirus epidemic continues to deteriorate, a large number of diagnosed patients overwhelmed India's originally underdeveloped health care system, a number of hospital beds in India has been seriously underdeveloped, and many of the diagnosed patients can not get timely isolation and treatment, can only be waited for outside of the hospital; at the same time, there is a serious shortage of medical supplies in India, especially oxygen for the treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia is out of supply. At the same time, there is also a serious shortage of medical supplies in India, especially the supply of oxygen for the treatment of Croup. In order to alleviate these problems, the Indian government is planning to set up a temporary C.P.D. center near the oxygen plant. The Indian government is planning to set up a "Temporary Coronary Pneumonia Care Center" near the oxygen plant in order to alleviate the problem.
The Government of India, in order to alleviate these problems, will plan to set up temporary care centers for patients with C.P.S. near the oxygen plant, and set up more than 10,000 beds with oxygen supply facilities, and at the same time set up about 1,500 oxygen plants, and the existing nitrogen plant converted into an oxygen plant, and the opening of a special train to transport oxygen on the international level, and the use of military aircraft to transport oxygen equipment and imported oxygen.