Harm one: misdiagnosis delayed rescue time
Black clinic is the vast majority of some do not have the qualification of the fake doctor, most did not receive medical professional knowledge, no clinical experience and technology, because of its medical technology, level of business, medical equipment and other aspects of the reason, it is very easy to delay the patient's condition, the patient's life brings great harm. A black clinic has occurred in such a tragedy: a patient suffered a sudden myocardial infarction, but the clinic was misdiagnosed as acute gastroenteritis, thus missing the thrombosis onset of six hours of rescue "best time window", died in the hands of fake doctors.
Harm two: wrong diagnosis aggravate the patient's condition
Not pretend to understand, posing as an expert. Some illegal medical practitioners to A disease as B disease, misdiagnosis and wrong treatment, resulting in the patient's condition aggravated or even death. The first time I saw this, I felt that my body had some abnormalities, so I went to an individual clinic near my home, and was diagnosed with a pregnancy. Under the persuasion of the "doctor", Ms. Liu had an abortion there. A few days later, Ms. Liu's condition is more serious, high fever, limb weakness, diagnosed to the hospital, Ms. Liu is not pregnant, just overworked.
Hazard 3: the spread of infectious diseases
Some black clinics do not have the conditions for sterilization, bold cosmetic surgery, abortion; some dental clinics, not only drills and other tools are not sterilized, and even in order to save costs, will be the disposable instruments used repeatedly. In these black clinics, as long as there is a contagious patient, it is difficult for other patients to be spared. The teeth extracted from the hepatitis B; abortion surgery, but contracted sexually transmitted diseases and even AIDS, these are not alarmist, but a real case has happened.
Hazard 4: the abuse of antimicrobials or hormones
In order to make money, antimicrobials in the black clinics in the flood; in order to improve the efficacy of the hormones should not be used on, and even increase the dose. The consequences of the abuse of antimicrobials will lead to the development of drug resistance in patients, and ultimately there is no cure; the abuse of hormones can not only cause harm to the kidneys, but also destroy the body's immune system, and even threaten the lives of patients.
Hazard 5: wrong treatment caused by the patient disability
Mrs. Zhang felt a little sunken cheeks, in the black clinic to do facial filler surgery, the whole face is swollen, identified, constituting a tenth-degree disability; Ms. Sun in the black clinic to do abortion, the reproductive system was damaged, resulting in lifelong infertility ...... In reality, cases of fake doctors causing patients' disabilities are common.
Hazard 6: Ignorance leads to patient's death
Li Laohan felt a toothache and died suddenly when he had his tooth extracted at a black clinic. Unbeknownst to him, myocardial infarction was the cause of his toothache, which the clinic "doctor", who had little medical knowledge, would not have thought of in any case. In addition to these too-specialized cases, there have been numerous cases of people dying from drug reactions during infusions at shady clinics.
Harm 7: psychological damage to patients
There is no hepatitis B, but was tested for hepatitis B; there is no venereal disease, but was diagnosed with a venereal disease ...... black clinics in order to cheat money, or exaggerate the condition, or fabricate the disease, so that the patient in the economic loss at the same time, resulting in mental, psychological serious injury, serious and even cause psychological disorders. harm, serious and even cause psychological disorders, affecting normal work and life.
Hazard 8: the use of shoddy medical equipment and medicines
Black clinics purchased medicines are purchased through improper channels, there is no lack of fake drugs, poor quality drugs and expired medicines; in order to reduce the cost of purchasing cheap and poor-quality sanitary materials neither national batch number and no quality and safety assurance, and even homemade sanitary materials. It can be said that the black clinic has become a fake drugs, fake medical equipment, fake sanitary materials, fake disinfection products distribution center, not only promote the illegal behavior of the counterfeiters, but also to the patient's life and health caused a serious risk.
Harm nine: disrupt the normal medical order
In order to solicit business, hanging a major hospital clinic sign; some hospitals will be rented out to the department does not have the qualifications of the practice of medicine of the wandering doctor; some black clinics are getting bigger and bigger ...... black clinics illegal practice of medicine seriously disrupting the normal order of medical services and social security
Harm ten: littering medical waste spread disease
Used plastic syringes, infusion sets and other apparatus haphazardly piled up in a paper box, which is commonplace in any black clinic, these medical waste is also often disposed of as garbage. Unbeknownst to them, these medical waste may cause harm is huge: First, direct harm to the human body, especially children and teenagers, often not disfigured syringes as water gun toys, often due to inadvertent injuries to the body, and induce a variety of secondary diseases; Second, without any disinfection of medical waste crushed into plastic particles are made into the shell of the heater, clothing fibers, purified water buckets, food packaging bags and other items, and so on. The harm to human health is huge; Third, the repeated use of medical waste is harmful, is the source of infection of a variety of diseases.