When Pei Jin was prime minister, the friends made by ordinary people and the people who had received favors did not dare to forget each other. One day, a minister who values morality but is not good at words suddenly said, I and several other people know Pei Gong very well. When I was a civilian, I reached an agreement that one day I would come out to help and introduce myself to each other. Now he has been promoted, but unlike ordinary people at that time, he failed to fulfill the maintenance agreement. After hearing this, Duke Xiang of Jin smiled and said: There is indeed a negative agreement. Ask others again: Have you ever seen Ganoderma lucidum and coral? Others say: they are all treasures of the world. Jin Wengong said again: Have you ever swam the mountains? Other remarks: I have been to many famous mountains, and only Lushan Waterfall is like the Milky Way in the sky, which is unparalleled in the world.
It's too long to bear. I'll finish the translation another day.