1. (2011, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 12 questions) The common method of preparing carbon dioxide gas in the laboratory is
A. Calcination of limestone B. Ignition of charcoal
C. Reaction of limestone with dilute hydrochloric acid D. Decomposition of carbonic acid
2. (2011, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 22 questions) The following gas generation device is reasonable for "solid-liquid reaction without heating"
A. B. C. D.
2. "solid-liquid reaction, without heating" gas generation device is reasonable
A. B. C. D.
3, (2011 Linyi, Shandong, 8 questions) the use of the device on the right can be carried out in the following experiments
A, zinc and dilute sulfuric acid to produce, Collection of hydrogen
B, KClO3 and MnO2 preparation, collection of oxygen
C, KMnO4 preparation, collection of oxygen
D, hydrogen peroxide solution and MnO2 preparation, collection of oxygen
4, (2011 Wuhan, Hubei, 6 questions) the following about the gas preparation device or experimental operation, the error is ()
A. generating device for making oxygen B. collecting oxygen
C. testing whether carbon dioxide is collected full D. verifying that the aqueous solution of carbon dioxide is acidic
II. Fill in the blanks, short answer questions
1, (2011, Quzhou, Zhejiang, 23 questions) The diagram shows the experimental setup for the reaction between hydrogen gas and copper oxide. Please analyze and answer:
(1) At the beginning of the experiment, the reasonable order of operation is (fill in "A" or "B");
A. first heating, and then through the hydrogen B. first through the hydrogen, and then heated
(2) During the experiment, the phenomenon seen is the black oxide. The phenomenon seen during the process is that the black copper oxide turns into a reddish substance while water droplets appear at the mouth of the test tube, indicating that hydrogen gas has sex.
2, (2011 Sichuan Meishan, 20 questions) through a year of chemistry, you have mastered some of the laws of the laboratory preparation of gases, the following are some of the experimental setups provided by your teacher, please answer the questions in conjunction with the following diagram:
(1) Write a chemical equation for the preparation of carbon dioxide in the laboratory.
(2) Choose a combination of devices to prepare and collect oxygen (fill in the letter number).
(3) Ammonia is known to be a gas that is less dense than air and highly soluble in water. A cylinder full of ammonia gas is placed upside down in a drop of colorless phenolphthalein water and the phenomenon observed is.
(4) The reaction generator device to be chosen to produce ammonia gas by heating a solid mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide is.
(1) CaCO3+2HCl=CaCl2+CO2↑+H2O (2) BC (or BD...) (3) The liquid turns red and the level in the collecting cylinder rises (4) A
3. (2011 Longyan, Fujian, 16 questions) An interest group used the following device to carry out the laboratory production of O2, CO2 and the related properties of the study.
(1) Write the names of the following numbered instruments: ① ②.
(2) Student A reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid and marble in device B, and observed purple litmus in the beaker
(fill in the phenomenon)
(3) Student B wanted to use the KMnO4 solid to make O2, and he should choose the (fill in the number) in the figure above, and the chemical equation of this reaction is; Student A also tested the collected gas, write the operation and phenomenon.
(1) ① beaker ② conical flask (2) red (3) A2KMnO4 K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2 ↑ will be sparks of wood in the gas cylinder, the wood was observed to rekindle
4, (2011, Jiangxi, 25) the following diagram is a commonly used in the laboratory device. Please answer according to the diagram:
(1) Write the name of the instrument ①. Collection of a gas can only be used E device, which is presumed to have the nature of the gas is
(2) with potassium permanganate to make oxygen device combination is (fill in the number), the reaction of the chemical equation is;
(3) laboratory CO2 gas often contains HCl and water vapor. In order to produce a pure, dry CO2 gas, the order in which the conduits of the removal device are connected in the direction of the gas flow is (fill in the serial number).
A. abcdB. bacdC. cdabD. dcba
(1) long-necked funnel can be dissolved in water and less dense than air (2) BC (or BD) 2KMnO4 heated K2MnO4+MnO2 +O2↑ (3) C
5, (2011, Jiangsu Taizhou, 24) according to the following diagram to fill in the relevant spaces :
(1) The name of instrument ① in device A is ▲; the name of instrument ② in device D is ▲ .
(2) The above ▲ or ▲ (fill in the number) device can be used to produce hydrogen from dilute sulfuric acid and zinc grains; the collection of hydrogen can be done with ▲ or ▲ (fill in the number) device.
(3)The experimental steps to remove insoluble impurities in crude salt are ▲, filtration and evaporation and crystallization, and the evaporation device used is ▲. (fill in the serial number), must also be used in the following combination of glass instruments ▲ (fill in the serial number) to complete the experiment.
① funnel, beaker, glass rod ② burette, measuring cylinder, test tube ③ gas cylinder, surface dish, wide-mouth flask
(4) Preparation of 5% sodium chloride solution from sodium chloride solids and water requires ▲ (fill in the serial number) in the device shown above.
If the preparation process, in the beaker already have a small amount of water, add 5g of sodium chloride and 95mL of water, other operations are standardized, then the mass fraction of sodium chloride in the resulting solution ▲ (fill in ">" or "<", or "=") 5%.
(1)Alcohol lamp Separating funnel
(2)C D; G H
(3)Dissolve B ①
(4)I <
6. (2011, Huaihua, Hunan, 28 questions) According to the following device, combined with the knowledge of chemistry, answer the following questions:
(1) Write down the name of the instrument labeled in the figure:
①; ②.
(2) laboratory if hydrogen peroxide solution and manganese dioxide to produce oxygen, manganese dioxide plays a role; which should be used to generate the device, the collection device should be used. (fill in the number)
(3) Write the chemical equation for the production of oxygen using device A.
(4) When CO2 is collected with device C, the method to test whether CO2 is collected to full capacity is.
(5) If device E is chosen to collect CO2, the gas should enter from end (a or b).
(6) Device E can also be used to remove impurity gases, if you want to remove the CO2 mixed in the oxygen, it is best to choose to install in the E bottle. (fill in the serial number)
A. saturated saline B. saturated lime water C. concentrated sodium hydroxide solution
(7) E device can also be used for the separation of gases, such as in the "(6)" test after the solution drops, and then CO2 can be collected.
(1) Alcohol lamp collecting cylinder
(2) Catalytic BC (or E or C and E)
(3) 2KClO3MnO2====2KCl+3O2↑ (or 2KMnO4△====K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑)
(4) A burning stick of wood is placed flat against the mouth of the collecting cylinder, and if the stick goes out, it means that the collection is full.
(5) a
(6) C
(7) Dilute hydrochloric acid
7. (2011 Weifang, Shandong, 24 questions) Answer the questions according to the following diagram of the experimental setup:
(1) Fill in the name of the labeled apparatus: a., b.
(2) The method to test the airtightness of the device B is:
The process of extracting manganese dioxide from the residue after the production of oxygen by potassium permanganate is, filtering, washing and drying. If O2 is collected with the device on the right, the gas should enter (fill in the interface number)
(4) The generator and collector of carbon dioxide in the laboratory are (fill in the device code). The method of connecting the glass tube and the rubber tube when assembling the apparatus is to first put the glass tube mouth and then a little force can insert the glass tube into the rubber tube.
(1) a. alcohol lamp b. conical flask
(2) first open the stopcock, add water to the funnel until the liquid level submerged the lower end of the funnel; after closing the stopcock, continue to add water, observe whether the liquid level changes (other reasonable answers also scored)
(3) dissolve ②
(4) B, C wet with water
8, (2011) Zhejiang Shaoxing, 24 questions) The figure shows a commonly used gas generator and collection device.
(1) device A can be used to heat decomposition of potassium permanganate to produce oxygen, the production of the need to put a ball of cotton in the mouth of the test tube, its role is
(2) methane is one of the simplest organic matter, the laboratory is commonly used in the AC or AD device, heat decomposition of anhydrous sodium acetate and soda lime mixture to produce methane gas. The physical properties of methane gas can be deduced from this.
(1) prevents potassium permanganate powder from entering the catheter (2) less dense than air, insoluble in water.
9, (2011 Anhui Chaohu, 12 questions) A chemistry interest group was scrubbing a test tube with too much force. Caused the bottom of the test tube was pierced
through, leaving small circular holes. Under the inspiration of the teacher. The interest group turned waste into treasure, the fine copper wire kneaded into a small ball pad in the bottom of the test tube,
with a catheter with a single hole rubber stopper and a beaker, assembled a device in the laboratory to produce gas, as shown in the figure on the right.
(1) If this device is used to make carbon dioxide, a block of __________(fill in the name of the drug
called should be held above the copper wire ball in the test tube. The same below), the chemical equation ________________________________________ of the reaction occurs; if you use
this device to make hydrogen. Inside the test tube above the copper wire ball should be held __________ chemical equation of the reaction
(2) Before preparing any gas, it is necessary to pick up the gas tightness of the device. Write the method you used to check the gas tightness of the device:
(1) lump limestone (or marble) CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H2O + CO2↑;
zinc grains Zn + 2HCl = ZnCl2 + H2↑ (all reasonable answers above can be scored)
(2) close the stopcock (or plug the catheter with your finger), insert the test tube with the through-bottom into the water, and observe whether the liquid level in the test tube slowly rise (or the bottom part of the test tube immersed in water, and then hold the test tube in your hand, and observe whether there are bubbles coming out of the bottom of the test tube) (program feasible can be scored)
10, (2011 Sichuan Neijiang, 11 questions) laboratory if you want to use the existing experimental conditions to prepare the common gases in junior high school chemistry.
The available drugs are: limestone, manganese dioxide, zinc particles, hydrogen peroxide, dilute sulfuric acid, dilute sulfuric acid;
The available devices are shown in the figure:
Accordingly, answer the following questions:
①Write the name of the apparatus: a; b.
②If you want to make oxygen, the reaction occurs in the chemical The chemical equation for the reaction is.
③To prepare carbon dioxide, the device of choice is.
①test tube collection cylinder ② 2H2O2 = manganese dioxide = 2H2O + O2 ↑ ③ BD
11, (2011 Sichuan Leshan, 37 questions) according to the following figure to answer the question.
(1) Write the name of apparatus ①.
(2) potassium permanganate should be used to produce oxygen generation device is (fill in the letter number, the same below);
(3) laboratory production of carbon dioxide should be used for the device.
(1) test tube (2) A (3) BC
Three, experimental investigation questions 1, (2011, Fuzhou, Fujian, 17 questions) an extracurricular activities group students with Figure 12 device (fixed device is not drawn) to determine the impurity-containing magnesium tape in the magnesium monomers in the mass fraction of the impurities (impurities do not produce gas in contact with the acid). The experimental procedure is:
①Take a section of magnesium tape samples, accurately weighed its mass of 0.030g.
②To the gas measuring tube filled with water to below the scale "0" position. Assemble the apparatus as shown in Figure 12 (without the drug)
③Check that the device is airtight.
④ Add a sufficient amount of dilute sulfuric acid to the test tube, slightly tilt the test tube, carefully attach the magnesium tape moistened with water to the wall of the test tube
, and plug the rubber stopper tightly.
⑤ Adjust the liquid level of the gas measuring tube so that the liquid level on both sides remains at the same level, and record the position of the liquid level in the gas measuring tube.
6 Raise the bottom of the test tube slightly so that the magnesium ribbon reacts completely in contact with the dilute sulfuric acid.
⑦After cooling to room temperature, record the position of the liquid level in the gas measuring tube again.
8 Calculate the volume of gas added to the gas measuring tube as 23.96 mL.
Knowing that: the volume of different gases after mixing is equal to the sum of the volumes of the gases before mixing at the same temperature and pressure, the volume of different gases after mixing is equal to the sum of the volumes of the gases before mixing.
Answer the following questions:
(1) Write the chemical equation for the reaction of magnesium with dilute sulfuric acid.
(2) Can you weigh 0.030 g of a sample of magnesium tape on a pallet balance. (Fill in "can" or "cannot")
(3) How can the airtightness of the apparatus shown in Figure 12 be checked in a simple way if the temperature is not changed?
(4) After conversion, the mass of hydrogen gas obtained from this experiment is 0.0020 g. The mass fraction of magnesium monomers in this magnesium strip is.
(5) When the position of the liquid level in the gas measuring tube was recorded again during the experiment (vii), hydrogen gas was left in the test tube, will this affect the final result of the experiment (fill in "yes" or "no"). The reason is.
(1) Mg+H2SO4=MgSO4+H2↑(2) It cannot
(3) Move the glass tube down a certain distance so that a certain difference in liquid level is formed between the glass tube and the water in the measuring tube, and if the difference in liquid level remains unchanged after a period of time, it means that the device is not leaking; otherwise, it indicates that there is a leak. (Any reasonable answer can be scored)
(4) 80%
(5) No Because the volume of hydrogen gas left in the test tube is equal to the volume of air expelled from the test tube, it has no effect on the final result of the experiment.
2. (2011, Ya'an, Sichuan, 37 questions) The diagram shows two versatile devices commonly used in laboratories for the preparation, collection and purification of gases.
(1) If used for the production of hydrogen, and the resulting gas does not contain acidic impurity gases, the reagent X is commonly used ________ to collect hydrogen with the device B placed as shown in the figure, A should be connected to ________ (fill in "B" or "C" ) connected.
(2) If X is dilute hydrochloric acid and Y is limestone, a series of devices for generating, purifying, and collecting CO2 gas can be formed with A and B devices. If saturated NaHCO3 solution is put into B, the solution serves to remove ________; if concentrated sulfuric acid is put into B, the concentrated sulfuric acid serves to ______.
(3) If X is water and Y is a CaC2 solid, acetylene (chemical formula: C2H2) gas is released from A and a base is also produced. Acetylene is slightly soluble in water, and its density is close to that of air. If you use B device to collect acetylene, then B should also be loaded with ____; the chemical equation for the generation of acetylene is
(1) dilute sulfuric acid; C (2) hydrogen chloride gas; drying the gas or remove water vapor (3) water; CaC2 + 2H2O = C2H2 ↑ + Ca (OH) 2
3, (2011 Yantai, Shandong, 27 questions) a chemistry interest group to use the The device below to explore the principles, methods and properties of gas production. Combined with the diagram of the device, answer the following questions:
(1) Write the name of the labeled instruments in the diagram: a, b.
(2) When using hydrogen peroxide and manganese dioxide to produce oxygen, the optional generator is (fill in the letters of the diagram above), and the optional device C to collect oxygen, the reason is.
(3) laboratory commonly used ammonium chloride solid and soda lime solid **** heat to produce ammonia (NH3), should choose the generator device is (fill in the letters of the figure above).
(4) The group designed the experimental setup shown below, which can be used both for the production of gases and for investigating the properties of substances.
(1) When K1 is turned on and K2 is turned off, the experiment that can be carried out using the I and II devices is
(fill in the letter).
a. Reaction of marble with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce carbon dioxide
b. Reaction of zinc with dilute sulfuric acid to produce hydrogen
②When K2 is turned on and K1 is turned off, carbon dioxide can be produced and its properties verified by using the I, Ⅲ device. The chemical equation for the laboratory production of carbon dioxide is; to prove that carbon dioxide can react with water, should be added to the water in the beaker.
)(1)Long-necked funnel conical flask (2)B Oxygen is denser than air
(3)A(4)①b②CaCO3+2HCl=CaCl2+H2O+CO2↑ litmus test solution
4. (2011 Jining, Shandong, 6 questions)(1) Hydrogen is the lightest gas, and is hardly soluble in water. As an ideal energy source for the future, hydrogen is a high-energy fuel for the aerospace industry and an important raw material for chemical production. Laboratories usually use the following device to produce a small amount of hydrogen, please answer according to the requirements:
①The chemical reaction equation for the laboratory use of dilute hydrochloric acid and zinc metal to produce hydrogen is __________________, and the hydrogen produced by this method often contains a small amount of ________________ (the reason for the __________________________) and water vapor, the impurity gas can be removed through the device _________________;
② experiments can be used __________ device to collect hydrogen; collector full of hydrogen gas after the cylinder is placed in the device G way to standby, the reason is that __________________________________.
(2) a school research group to visit the electroplating plant, learned that the main process of copper plating of iron parts is as follows:
Combined with the information provided in the process to answer:
① process Ⅱ wastewater contains the substance _________________________________;
② measured: process The pH of the wastewater in Process Ⅳ is 4, and there must be no ________________________ in the wastewater;
③ The wastewater of Process Ⅳ contains _______________________ in addition to the substances introduced by Processes Ⅰ and Ⅱ;
Please design a simple scheme to prove your inference:
(1)①Zn+2HCl=ZnCl2+H2↑Hydrochloric hydrochloric acid is volatile B, c
②E, F Hydrogen is lighter than air to prevent it from escaping
(2)①H2S04, Fe2(S04)3, FeS04 ②NaOH
Take a small amount of wastewater and insert it into a polished Bright iron, after a period of time to take out and observe, there is red copper on the iron, said
Ming wastewater contains CuS04
5, (2011 Jinan, Shandong, 44 questions) shown in Figure 16 for the preparation of common gases in the laboratory, purification, collection and nature of the experiments of some of the apparatus is based on the requirements of the topic, to answer the following questions:
(1) to Limestone and dilute hydrochloric acid as raw materials to prepare and collect dry, pure carbon dioxide gas. (Hint: hydrochloric acid volatile small amount of HCl gas can be absorbed with saturated sodium bicarbonate solution)
① the order of connection of the selected apparatus (fill in the serial number of the instrument letter)
② carbon dioxide generation, the chemical equation of the reaction occurred
(2) in order to explore the nature of carbon dioxide, the following experiments.
①Pass carbon dioxide into water and use PH paper to roughly determine the strength of the acidity and alkalinity of the aqueous solution of carbon dioxide, briefly describe the method of determination.
The carbon dioxide is passed into sodium hydroxide solution, and there is no obvious reaction phenomenon. To prove chemically that a chemical reaction does occur between CO2 and NaOH solution, choose one of the three reagent bottles of NaCl solution, CaCl2 solution and dilute hydrochloric acid to carry out the experiment, and briefly describe the reasons for the proof
3) A small amount of CO2 gas is passed into a large beaker containing a large amount of clarified Ca(OH)2 solution, and the mass of the solution in the beaker compared with that before will be (fill in the following numbers) the following serial number)
A, increase B, decrease C, unchanged D, can not be judged
(1) ACCBFCaCO3 + 2HCl == CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 ↑ (2) A small amount of the solution to be measured is dipped in PH test paper with a glass rod, and then compared with the standard colorimetric card. Take a small amount of the reacted solution and drop it into CaCl2 solution, which produces a white precipitate, proving that a chemical reaction did occur between CO2 and NaOH solution. (3) Decrease 6. (Guangzhou, Guangdong, 2011, Q. 26) Dry gases are often collected in laboratories by the air-exhaust gas collection method. Below are two simple air-exhaust gas collection devices. Fill in the blanks with the number:
(1) The laboratory uses _____________ to collect CO2 and ___________ to collect O2.
(2) If you want to collect SO2 you should choose ________________ and CH4 you should choose ______________.
7, (2011 Guangdong Jieyang, 20 questions) chlorine gas (Cl2) is usually a yellowish-green poisonous gas with an irritating odor, is denser than air, can react with water, and the solution is acidic after the reaction. Chlorine gas is usually prepared in the laboratory by heating concentrated hydrochloric acid with manganese dioxide***. A complete laboratory setup for the preparation of the gas should include a generator, a purification device (including drying), a collection device, and a tail gas treatment device. Answer the following questions:
(1) the production of chlorine gas generation device should be used in the figure on the left below, write the name of the label;
(2) with the apparatus in the figure on the right above (may not be used in all) to complete the purification of chlorine gas (including drying), collection, tail gas treatment, the correct method of connection is: A connection connection F connection connection;
(3) before putting in the drug must be Check.
(1) B alcohol lamp (2) CDGB (3) check the device tightness
8, (2011 Anhui Wuhu, 14 questions) the right figure is a laboratory oxygen production of two devices, answer the following questions:
(1) B figure labeled ① the name of the instrument is;
(2) the following reactions can produce oxygen, which should not be used to laboratory production of oxygen is
(fill in the number);
A. heating a mixture of potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide
B. mixing hydrogen peroxide solution and manganese dioxide at room temperature
C. the use of plant photosynthesis
(3) Write the equation of the chemical reaction for the production of oxygen in the laboratory, and the type of reaction is; using the drainage method to collect a bottle of oxygen, found to be impure, the possible reasons are
(Answer one point can be).
(4) The following gases can be produced in the laboratory by using the device shown in figure A as the generating device (fill in the serial number).
A. Calcium carbide (solid) and water react at room temperature to make acetylene gas
B. Concentrated hydrochloric acid and manganese dioxide *** heat to make chlorine gas C. Concentrated ammonia and soda lime at room temperature to make ammonia gas
(1) test tube (2) C (3) 2H2O2 2H2O + O2↑ (or 2KMnO4 heating K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2↑, reasonable (can) decomposition reaction just when the gas escapes that is collected (reasonable can) (4) AC p>
9, (2011 Chongqing Qijiang, 22 questions) laboratory commonly used in the following device to prepare and collect gases, according to the figure below to answer the relevant questions.
If you use potassium permanganate to make O2, the chemical equation of the reaction is ____________________________, the generator device you choose is _____________________, and the collection device you cannot choose is __________________.
Small red students with limestone and dilute hydrochloric acid reaction to produce carbon dioxide, the chemical equation of the reaction is: ___________________________________________, she should choose the generator device is __________, if the device on the right to carry out the "air exhaust method If the device on the right is used to collect CO2 by the "air-exhaust method", please complete the drawing of the "gas conduit" in the diagram.
(1) 2KMnO4=======K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑AD
(2) CaCO3+2HCl=====H2O+CO2↑+CaCl2B
10、(2011年湖北宜昌,24题)Through the year's study of chemistry, we know the common gases of the laboratory to produce Methods and related properties, I can answer the following questions according to the knowledge I have learned:
(1) Figure 24-1 is a common device used in the laboratory to produce gases:
① Laboratory with hydrogen peroxide solution and manganese dioxide to produce oxygen chemical equation for ________, the choice of generator is ________ (fill in the serial number), with the E device to collect oxygen, to determine the oxygen has been collected full of the phenomenon is ________.
② laboratory commonly used to heat the solid mixture of ammonium chloride and calcium hydroxide to produce ammonia gas, in order to produce and collect the dry ammonia gas, I chose a combination of devices is ________ (fill in the serial number).
(2) When using hydrogen, special care should be taken to be safe. Figure 24-2 shows an experiment to test the purity of hydrogen gas, from which I can conclude that the relevant properties of hydrogen are ________ and ________.
(3) When doing the experiment of sulfur combustion in oxygen, as shown in Figure 24-3, the burning spoon containing sulfur should be inserted slowly downward from the mouth of the bottle for the reason ________ that ________ flames were observed in the experiment. The role of water in the bottle is to absorb the toxic sulfur dioxide, if the water is replaced with a solution for better results, the chemical equation reflecting the role of the solution is ________.
(1) ① 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 ↑ B the mouth of the collecting cylinder has a large bubble outward ② AD (2) the density of hydrogen is smaller than air hydrogen is flammable (3) due to the density of sulfur dioxide is greater than that of oxygen, the insertion of the sulfur dioxide generated too quickly will make the sulfur and oxygen isolation, resulting in the flame extinguished more quickly blue-violet 2NaOH + SO2 = Na2SO3 + H2O (reasonable can be) < /p>
11, (2011 Hunan Zhuzhou, 29 questions) H2 is an important raw material for chemical production, but also a very promising development of clean energy. Laboratory commonly used zinc particles and dilute sulfuric acid to produce H2, in order to study the nature of H2, the following are - some common chemical instruments or devices, please fill in the blanks according to the requirements:
(1)Write the name of the above instruments: b, f;
(2)Select the above instruments (fill in the letter designation) assembled into a device for the preparation and collection of H2;
< p>(3)For safety, before igniting the hydrogen gas, the operation must be carried out;(4)This set of devices for the preparation of H2 (fill in the "can" or "can not") prepare O2, if so, write the chemical reaction of the reaction to prepare O2 with it; if not, explain why. equation; if not, give reasons.
(1) b. long-necked funnel f. beaker (2) bde (3) purity test (4) can 2H2O2MnO22H2O + O2↑