textbook n. textbook; textbook conversation n. conversation; conversation aloud adv. pronunciation n. pronunciation
Unit 1
textbook n. 教科書;课本 conversation n. 交谈;谈话 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地 pronunciation n. 发音;读音 sentence /sentns/ n. sentence patient adj. patient n. patient expression n. 表达(方式);表示 discover v. 发现;发觉 secret n. 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的;保密的 fall in love with;与? fall in love with grammar /gr{m(r)/ n. grammar repeat v. repeat; redo note n. note; record v. notice; point out pal n. friend; partner pattern n. pattern; way physics n. physics; physics chemistry n. chemistry partner n. partner; companion pronounce v. pronounce pronounce v. increase v. increase; growth speed n. speed ability n. ability; talent brain n. brain active /{ktIv/ adj. active; positive attention /tenSn/ n. attention; attention pay attention to attention; attention connect /knekt/ v connect ... with connecting ... with the idea of connecting ... with the idea of connecting ... with the idea of connecting. connect ... with 把? connect ... with overnight /Uv(r)naIt/ adv. overnight; at night review /rIvju:/ v. & n. review; review knowledge n. knowledge; learning wisely /waIzli/ adv. wisely; intelligently Annie /Annie Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Graham Bell Alexander - Graham Bell
Unit 2
lantern n. lantern stranger n. stranger relative n. relative put on 增加(体重);發胖 poundn. folk adj.; folklore goddess , n. goddess steal v. (stole , stolen steal; steal lay v. (laid , laid) place; place; lay out lay out; lay out dessert n. (after dinner) dessert; dessert garden n. garden; garden admire v. admire tie n. tie v. tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie up tie v. tie; bundle haunted adj. haunted ghost /gUst/ n. 鬼;鬼魂 trick n. trick; trick treat n. hospitality;招待 v.招待;请(客) spider n. spider Christmas n. Christmas fool n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. fool adj. foolish lie v. (lay , lain ) flat (lay , lain ) lie flat; be in novel n. (长篇) novel eve n. (esp. a religious holiday) eve; night before dead adj. dead; lifeless business n. business; commerce punish v. punish; punishment warn v. warn; caution present n. present; gift adj. present nobody , pron. nobody warmth n. warmth; warmth spread v.传播;展开 n.蔓延;传播
Macao 澳门 Chiang Mai 清迈(泰国城市) Halloween 万圣节圣节前夕 St. Valentine's Day 情人节
Clara Santa Claus Santa Claus Charles Charles Dickens Scrooge Scrooge n. (informal) Scrooge Jacob Jacob Marley
Unit 3
restroom /restru:m/ n. (U.S.) restroom; public **** toilet stamp /st{mp/ n. stamp; seal bookstore /bUkstO:(r)/ n. bookstore postcard /pUstkA:(r)d/ n. postcard pardon /pA:(r)dn/ interj. please say it again; sorry; excuse me washroom /wQSru:m/, /wA:Sru :m/ n. bathroom; toilet bathroom /bA:Tru:m/, /b{Tru:m/ n. bathroom; restroom quick /kwIk/adj. fast; quickly adv. quickly; rapidly rush /rVS/ v. & n. haste; hurry suggest /sdZest/ v. suggest; propose staff /stA:f/, /stA:f/, /stA:f/, /stA:f/, /stA:f/, /stA:f/, /stA:f/, /stA:f/. stA:f/, /st{f/ n. managers; staff grape /greIp/ n. grapes central /sentrl/ adj. central mail /meIl/ v. mail; e-mail n. mail; letter east /i:st/ adj. eastern; eastern adv. eastward; eastward n. east; eastern fascinating /f{sIneItIN/ adj. fascinating; attractive convenient /knvi:nint/ adj. convenient; handy mall /mO:l/ n. mall; shopping center clerk /klA:k/, /kl:rk/ n. employee corner /kO:(r)n(r)/ n. corner; polite /kO:(r)n(r)/ n. corner; corner /kO:(r)n(r)/ n. corner; corner; corner; corner n. corner polite /plaIt/ adj. polite; polite politely /plaItli/ adv. politely; politely speaker /spi:k(r)/ n. a speaker of a language request /rIkwest/ n. request; request choice /tSOIs/ n. choice; selection direction /drek(r)/ n. a place where a person has to make a choice; a place where a person has to make a choice; a place where a person has to make a choice; a place where a person has to make a choice; a place where a person has to make a choice. choice /tSOIs/ n. choice; selection direction /drekSn, daIrekSn/ n. direction; orientation correct /krekt/ adj. correct; proper direct /drekt, daIrekt/ adj. direct; straightforward whom /hu:m/ pron. who; what address /dres/, /{dres/ n. residential address {dres/ n. address; address; address; address faithfully /feITfli/ adv. faithfully; faithfully Italian /It{lin/ adj. Italian; n. Italian; Italian
Kevin /kevIn/ Kevin (m) Tim /tIm/ Tim (m)
Unit 4 humorous /hju:mrs/ adj. 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的 silent /saIlnt/ adj. 不说话的; 沉默的 helpful /helpfl/adj. useful; 有帮助的 from time to time 時常;有时 score /skO:(r)/ n. & ; v. score; mark background /b{kgraUnd/ n. background interview /Int(r)vju:/ v. interview; interview n. interview; interview Asian /eISn, eIZn/ adj. Asian; Asian n. Asian deal with 对付;应付 dare /de/, /der/ v. dare to; dare to private /pol/, eIZn/ adj. to deal with; to deal with private /praIvt/ adj. private; private guard /gA:(r)d/ n. guard; watch v. guard; defend require /rIkwaI(r)/ v. need; demand European /jU()rpi:n/ adj. European; European British /brItIS/ adj. British; British speech adj. British; English speech /spi:tS/ n. speech; speech ant /{nt/ n. ant insect /Insekt/ n. insect influence /Influns/ v. & n. influence seldom /seldm/ adv. infrequently; seldom proud /praUd/ adj. proud; proud of proud of; proud of be proud of for? proud; feeling proud absent /{bsnt/ adj. absent; not present fail /feIl/ v. fail; failing (to do) examination /Igz{mIneISn/ n. examination; review boarding /bO:(r)dIN/ school boarding school in person in person; in person exactly /Igz{ktli/ adv. exactly; precisely pride /praId/ n. pride; pride take pride in grandson /gr{nsVn/ n. grandson; grandson general /dZenrl/ adj. universal; regular; general n. general introduction /IntrdVkSn/ n. introduction Paula /pO:l/ Alfred /{lfrId/ Alfred (m) Billy /bIli/ Billy (m) Candy /k{ndi/ Candy (f) Jerry /dZeri/ Jerry (m); Emily /emIli/ Emily (f) Unit 5 material /mtIril/ n. material; raw material
chopstick /tSQpstIk/ n. material; raw material
chopstick /tSQpstIk/ n. material; raw material
chopstick /tSQpstIk/ n. material; raw material
Unit 7 smoke /smUk/ v. smoke; smoking n. smoke pierce /pIs/, /pIrs/ v. pierce; pierce; penetrate license /laIsns/n. (= licence) certificate; document safety /seIfti/ n. safety; security earring /IrIN/, /IrIN/ n. earring; earring; earring. IrIN/ n. earring cry /kraI/ v. & n. crying; shouting field /fi:ld/ n. field; ground hug /hVg/ n. & v. to embrace lift /lIft/ v. to lift up; to raise talk back talk back; to talk back awful /O:fl/ adj. very bad; nasty teen /ti:n/ n. teenager regret /rIgret/ v. to feel sorry for; to regret poem /pUIm/ n. poem; rhyme bedroom /bedru:m/ n. bedroom community /kmju:nti/ n. community; society keep away from chance /tSA:ns/, /tS{ns/ n. chance; possibility make one's own decision make one's own decision manage /m{nIdZ/ v. to accomplish (something difficult); to cope with (a difficult situation) society /ssaIti/ n. society unit /ju:nIt/ n. unit; unit of education /n. unit; unit educate /edZukeIt/ v. education; teaching get in the way of 的路;妨碍 professional /prfeSnl/ adj. 职业的;专业的 enter /ent(r)/ v. 入 入;进去 support /spO:(r)t/ v. & n. 支持 Picasso /pIk{sU/, /pIkA:sU/ Picasso(西班牙画家)
Unit 8
truck /trVk/ n. truck; wagon rabbit /r{bIt/ n. rabbit; hare whose /hu:z/ adj. & pron. whose; (esp.) that person's attend /tend/ v. to be present at; to take part in valuable /v{ljubl/ adj. very useful; valuable pink /pINk/ adj. pink n. pink picnic /pIknIk/ n. picnic somebody /sVmbdi/, /sVmbA:di/ pron. anybody /enibdi/, /enibA:di/ pron. nobody noise /nOIz/ n. noise; noise sound; noise policeman /pli:smn/ n. male policeman wolf /wUlf/ n. wolf laboratory /lbQrtri/, /l{brtO:ri/ n. laboratory coat /kUt/ n. coat; outerwear sleepy /sli:pi/ adj. sleepy; sleepy pocket /pQkIt/, /pA:kIt/ adj. sleepy; drowsy /pQkIt/, /pA:kIt/ n. pocket alien /eIlin/ n. alien suit /sju:t/, /su:t/ n. suit; suit express /Ikspres/ v. to show; to express not only ... but also not only? but also circle /s:(r)kl/ n. circle v. to circle out Britain /brItn/ n. (= Great Britain) 大不列颠 receive /rIsi:v/ v. to receive; to receive leader /li:d(r)/ n. leader; leader midsummer /mIdsVm(r)/ n. midsummer; mid-summer summer medical /medIkl/ adj. medical; medicine prevent /prIvent/ v. prevent; obstruct energy /en(r)dZi/ n. energy; strength position /pzISn/ n. location; place burial /beril/ n. burial; interment honor /Qn/, /A:nr/ v. (= honor), /A:nr/ v. (= respect), /A:nr/ v. (= honor), /A:nr/ v. (= honor), /A:nr/ vi. /v. (= honour) to respect; to show respect n. honor ancestor /{nsest(r)/ n. ancestor; ancestor victory /vIktri/ n. victory; success enemy /enmi/ n. enemy; enemy period /pIrid/ n. a period of time; period of time mystery /mIstri/ n. mystery; mystery Stonehenge /stststat/ n. mystery; mystery; mystery Stonehenge /stUnhendZ/ Stonehenge
Carla /kA:(r)l/ Carla (f) J. K. Rowling /rUlIN/ J. K. Rowling (British author) Victor /vIkt(r)/ Victor (m) Jean /dZi:n/ Joan (f) Paul Stoker /stUk(r)/ Paul Stoker
Unit 9 prefer /prIf:(r)/ v. prefer lyrics /lIrIks/ n. (pl.) lyrics Australian /QstreIlin, O:streIlin/ adj. Australian; Australians n. Australian electronic /IlektrQnIk/, /IlektrA:nIk/ adj. electronic; electronic device suppose /spUz/ v. to infer; to expect smooth /smu:D/ adj. smooth; pleasing to the ear spare /spe/, /sper/ adj. free; unused case /keIs/ n. case; fact in that case war /wO:(r)/