Among the many handicrafts, one kind of handicraft is glass handicraft, which uses different color inks directly on some glass vessels and uses some techniques to draw colorful patterns on the glass. This is silk screen glass. Generally speaking, silk screen glass is a kind of glass formed after ordinary glass processing. It is a kind of art glass and can be used for decoration. In fact, these silk-screened glasses are quite common in our lives. As long as there is good-looking glass that is not easy to fade, it is silk-screened glass. So what are the processes for screen printing glass? Let’s find out. ?
Silk screen glass
Silk screen glass is actually the most important link in the production of some decorative glass. According to needs, silk screen masters will produce various patterns. As for the silk screen printing method of silk screen glass, it can be divided into two types: manual screen printing and machine screen printing. After these screen printing processes, you can get beautiful and beautiful silk screen glass with patterns.
The principle and process of screen printing glass
The beautiful glass patterns we see are actually obtained by fixing different colors of ink on the glass based on the principle of silk screen printing. So the effect is clear and bright. Basically, whether it is manual screen printing or machine screen printing, these steps must be followed.
Stretching, sizing, drying, printing, developing, and drying. After the above steps are completed, the preliminary preparation is completed. Next is the processing of the glass. Use flat glass and cut it into a suitable size. The volume is grinded and cleaned, and then printed on the treated glass, so that the ink is printed on the glass. Finally, the ink is fixed after sintering, and then the silk screen glass is processed.
For a good piece of screen printing glass, the quality of the ink and color matching are the foundation. This is also the basic skill of the screen printing master. In addition, the most important thing is the printing process. Before printing, the screen needs to be prepared and wiped in advance. Apply the sensory glue, and then use a strong light and film to put some patterns on the screen. The specific process is to pour the strong light onto the photosensitive glue, and use film to make a suitable pattern in advance. After that, the photosensitive glue will turn black and the film will be applied. The pattern will not turn black and the complete pattern will appear after washing off.
In addition to the above-mentioned process, there is another very important step, that is, the sintering step. The purpose is to combine the ink with the glass well. Due to different inks, high or low temperatures are required, and tempering is required here. furnace. Note that you need to use an oven to dry the ink on the glass surface before, so that the ink will not evaporate directly in the tempering furnace and affect the effect of the pattern.
The above is the related process of screen printing glass. How to mix the specific ink, what temperature is required, and other detailed steps. I will not introduce them one by one here. If you are interested, you can learn it.