What are the schools under the jurisdiction of Jieyang City, including elementary middle school high school, as well as try to mention the specific school teacher recruitment form and treatment, thank

What are the schools under the jurisdiction of Jieyang City, including elementary middle school high school, as well as try to mention the specific school teacher recruitment form and treatment, thank you! Based on the wonderful answers upstairs, I'd like to add the following:

Ten Ways to Enhance Your Memory

More Music to Help You Remember

Bulgaria's Dr. Lazar Ivanov, a medical and psychologist, has researched the medical and psychological aspects of some of the music, and the slow-moving compositions of Bach, Handel, and others, to remove the tension from the brain. The study is based on people entering a meditative state. He had the students listen to slow-paced music, relaxing the muscles of the whole body and reading the material to be memorized to the beat of the music. Two minutes after the end of the study, upbeat music is played and the brain is allowed to recover from the activity in the memory. Many students who have tried this practice find it effective for memorization.

Recite classics to improve memory

We know that people often read and study even leisure time often recite some famous articles, idioms, phrases, poems, essays, mathematical formulas, foreign words and technical essentials knowledge? Exercise memorization "hard work". Was Marx youthful in an unskilled foreign language? Recite poetry and exercise his memory. Insist on reciting 10-20 minutes a day, can enhance memory.

Physical and mental high memory use efficiency

Scientific evidence shows that the correct repetition of effective storage, especially in learning, through their brains, hands, ears, mouths and the use of knowledge of the mnemonic body, the effect of efficient memory. Because when you remember, you should use your brain to think, but I also read handwritten, unconsciously learned to mobilize their own memory "channel" to participate in the memory, so that their memory traces deepen, the memory effect is of course more and better.

Wonderful memory

We often learn and read some numbers, dating is not easy to remember. If you are good at associative memory, it is easy to remember. As the picket table and room method or called the Roman housing method and image inscriptions, specific associative method. Pickets or rooms can be stored as images in the pickets, the principle is to allow things to be remembered by making connections with known things. The original thing, called "picket" new stakes connected to something in memory, this method is used for large amounts of data storage and foreign languages.

Five, chewing can improve memory

Scientific proof: chewing can be one of the ways to effectively prevent memory loss. Some people believe that because chewing relaxes, if an elderly person chews high enough to cause short-term memory loss, their blood hormones decrease. As we have observed in the population, tend to wait for their teeth to chew, eat better, and their ability to learn and remember increases. Another example is America's favorite chaff-chewing illustration.

Six women nagging to help grow memory

Nagging to expand memory and lifestyle helps women. In addition, the repetition of nagging issues, personal, often repeated process of using language must deepen the attention and memory of a particular thing or a particular nagging person. Experts believe that women are more willing than men and verbal communication to enter the silent majority of older people. The words are indispensable psychological catharsis to prevent memory loss.

Smart dietary aids to memory

Moderate intake of healthy fats can reduce the incidence of thrombosis, such as olive oil, fish oil is a good choice to maintain normal blood circulation, rich in vitamins, minerals, fruits and vegetables are also a good choice to maintain a healthy. There are many people who, instead of memory, instead of law, but due to lack of memory messaging member - acetylcholine in the brain. If you eat these foods regularly, you can greatly improve your memory.

Eight, more people like to play with memory

Human physical activity to improve health and mental activity can reduce memory loss. Especially those who playfully love people in a large number and wide range of knowledge, memory interest in a wide range of studies. Scientific evidence: love of dancing, reading, playing cards, foreign languages and other activities can increase the number of synapses to varying degrees and improve signaling between nerve cells, consolidating memory.

Nine sports and fitness can prevent memory loss

General health, love of sports, love of life, people, energetic, learning and a strong memory and of course a strong exercise can promote self-renewal of the brain. Experts believe that long-term cardiovascular exercise can reduce the loss of brain tissue due to age and can reduce memory loss. Numerous studies have shown that to keep the brain active, just plain exercise. School children aged 10 or 11 who exercise three to four children a week generally have higher test scores. Older adults who walk regularly perform better on memory tests than those of their sedentary peers. Exercise boosts intelligence by getting more oxygen to the brain for the energy it consumes.

The latest research also refutes the notion that new brain cells are no longer produced after a person is born. In contrast, the study found that physical activity promotes the growth of new brain cells. The exercise-induced enhancement of the brain's hippocampus with learning and memory abilities was most pronounced in mouse experiments.

10, family happiness love pleasant mental and physical anti-brain decay

A large number of social surveys have proved the necessary conditions for a happy family students to improve learning and memory, especially in love with the person or the couple to give birth to two two feelings of happiness will make the two sides of the body secretion of hormones and substances such as acetylcholine, improve immunity, delay brain aging.


12 B, food that enhances memory

NPC hundreds of millions of nerve cells in the brain whether to stop heavy activity, scientific research has confirmed that diet is not only a life-sustaining necessity for the normal functioning of the brain, plays a very important role. Some foods contribute to the development of the human intellect, the human mind is more agile, more concentrated effort, or even able to stimulate human creativity and imagination.

Nutrition and health experts have found that some of the Marques foods that help to replenish the brain are not expensive and hard to find, but are quite cheap and common things that can be found everywhere in everyday life. The following foods are very good for the brain, and mental students can often choose to eat.

1, milk. Milk is a near-perfect nutritional K OEE slow OEE saddle word of the province, IE browser fatigue OEO discussion pressed Jade luck OA¢ box two-way street is OAo curtains ED mechanical mother spectrum huge makeup locusts SONG OEI flickering OE? quiet source of the OAU soft after the fan of the mercenary trouble plaques OA ≠ lutetium province 4 sent over OE? memories OEE meteorite holes in the wall OOOA go to the purchase of the Lucky Han! Your daughter OE§OAO, Xiaó?Σ vomit evil clock and other elements. If you have insomnia from overusing your brain, a glass of warm milk before bedtime helps you sleep.

2 eggs. The function of brain activity, memory is closely related to the strength and amount of acetylcholine in the brain. Experiments have shown that the beauty of eating chicken lies in: rich lecithin enzyme decomposition, can produce rich acetylcholine, into the bloodstream and will soon reach the brain tissue, can enhance memory in the egg yolk. Foreign research has confirmed that 1,2 eggs eat enough body much better to protect the brain and improve memory choline supply.

3, fish. They can provide high-quality brain protein and calcium, freshwater fish contain unsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, does not cause vascular sclerosis, cerebral vascular damage, on the contrary, can protect the cerebral blood vessels, promote the role of the brain cell activity.

4, MSG. The main component of monosodium glutamate is monosodium glutamate, which is in the role of gastric acid, can be converted to glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is the only amino acid involved in the metabolism of the human brain, promote intellectual development, maintain and improve brain function. Regular intake of some MSG helps to improve mental retardation and memory impairment. MSG leads to an increase in acetylcholine in the brain and thus also has an effect on neurasthenia.

5, peanuts. Peanuts are rich in lecithin and ceruloplasmin, which is an important substance needed by the nervous system, can slow down the decline of brain function, inhibit platelet aggregation, prevent the formation of cerebral thrombosis. Experiments have confirmed that eating peanuts can improve blood circulation, enhance memory, delay aging, is a veritable "fruit of life".

6, millet. Millet contains vitamin B1 and B2 are higher than rice 1.5 times and 1 times, the protein contains more tryptophan and methionine. Clinical observation found that eating millet, prevent aging. Usually eat millet porridge, millet rice, will be conducive to brain health.

7, and corn. Corn germ is rich in linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids to protect cerebrovascular and lipid-lowering effect. The glutamate corn water content is high, can help promote brain cell metabolism, often eat some corn, especially fresh corn, has a role in the brain.

8, cauliflower. It is often said that the yellow cauliflower "forgetfulness grass", can tranquilize the spirit of stagnation. Note: yellow cauliflower should not be eaten raw or fried single, as well as to avoid poisoning, dried and cooked food.

9, chili peppers. Chili pepper vitamin C content of the first vegetable carotene and vitamin content is also very rich. Pepper contains capsaicin can stimulate the sense of taste, increase appetite, promote blood circulation in the brain. In recent years, it has been found that the "spicy" flavor chili pepper or stimulate human hormones in the pursuit of a successful career, so that people are energetic and active thinking. Chili is to eat raw effect is better.

10, spinach. Spinach is cheap and inconspicuous, but it is a brain vegetable. Because spinach is rich in vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, is the brain cell metabolism "one of the best suppliers. In addition, it also contains a large amount of chlorophyll, there is a brain-boosting effect.

11, orange. Orange contains a large number of vitamins A, B1 and C, is a typical alkaline food, can eliminate a large number of acidic food harm caused by the nervous system. Eat more oranges in moderation during the exam, can make people energetic. In addition, lemons, oranges, grapefruit and other similar effects rather than tangerines.

12, pineapple. Pineapple contains a lot of vitamin C and trace elements of manganese, fewer calories, often eaten with the body, refreshing effect, some people claim that it is able to improve the human memory of the fruit. Pineapple is often the favorite fruit of some musicians, singers and actors because they have to memorize a lot of sheet music, lyrics and lines.


C, a software training to improve memory quickly

If you feel that his memory is not as good as before and reading is slow, so it is necessary to improve their professional training software. Here is the site where you can download it, see references. The trial version has a training goal of 5600 words per minute, which is enough. At about 240 words per minute, I read 20 days of professional training and reached over 1500 words, significantly improving my memory. It's really hard to imagine. Speed? Reading training software is divided into two parts, fast memory training, especially fast memory training, the effect is amazing.


D memory methods and smart doors:

Remember: one of the secrets of systematizing the significance of the mnemonic.

Another trick is to use mnemonics that must be well so memorized material by imagining, by imagining and associating strange images that will abstract the human imagination so vividly, abstract things also become easier to remember a so-called visualization.

Japanese memory psychologist Shigehiro Takagi: Beginning of the image, all the memory. The basic point of the method of memory is to pass things through the image in the memory. This is a basic essentials of the main mnemonic.

Training operation essentials?

First of all, the specific thing in the memory, to carefully observe the image in the brain for a few seconds. Produce a clear representation in the brain to later recall what was said.

The memory of the words, the image of the said things floating in the mind, such as memorizing the word "table", specific things, rather than just remembering two words, but also come to the table image in mind, the more vividly emerging table you use the image of the table or the table in the mind to leave a deep impression, the memory will be more solid.

Third, is the visualization of an abstract concept, there are many things that do not have a direct image, such as truth, and other abstract nouns such as, and does not mean concrete things, in order to relate the words with a concrete image, it is necessary to carry out the association, such as in order to find a memory of the word "truth", we can think of who represents the truth, Chairman Mao, Mao Zedong thought, who represents the truth, and who represents the truth. Chairman Mao, Mao Zedong Thought, the representative of this truth, the truth with the image of Chairman Mao is hanging like a memory in our mind the deepest impression. "Peace" is often linked with the image of doves, the memory word dove of peace is easy to remember.

Digital memory methods: memory harmonic memory associative memory image memory formulas are memorized in memory when these methods are usually integrated into applications.

Here are the mnemonics for life and subjects:

An experienced elementary school teacher - 10 shapes compiled from images descriptions and children's songs.


1 Like a pencil's slender band

2 Like a duckling floating on water

3 Like the sound of an ear

4 That signifies the wind is shaking

5 Like a weighing hook to sell a vegetable,

6 Like a bean sprout grinning.

7, like a scythe cutting grass,

8 twisting a twist once,

9 like a rice spoon serving rice,

0 eggs for a cake.

2, the student's behavior is always forgetful, the total criticism, he learned to remember after surgery, I think the behavior after that will not forget. One day, my mom and I also buy milk, chocolate, salted fish, tofu and sausage. This time, he had the idea to buy things with familiar contacts: grandmother teeth are not very tasty "tofu" father snacks are always "salted fish", mom likes to drink milk, my sister always chocolate, and class a girl often says she hates sausages. Walking into the store, his mind immediately surfaced a familiar face. Thinking about everyone's face, he knew what to buy and didn't have to worry about forgetting anything.

A school teacher, the mountain and monks drink often used to give students homework in front of the mountain, so that students do not complete the homework, but also criticized the students' class time. One day, the teacher also mountain, before leaving, so that students sterile pi to 22 decimal places. This is now difficult for the students to fall, repeat the machinery back, come back without, very heartbreaking fear. Bit of clever students think the teacher drinking, using the harmonic method and images to compile a period of time, everyone quickly back to sterile, such as flow, he made up a story? The first bit of pi 3.14159 26535897932384 626. He made up a story: a pot of wine in the Temple on the Peak, Erle tormented me, wine to eat, wine kills Erle, kills not dead, music and music.

The story, graphic and easy to read, and funny, and together enlivened a bunch of meaningless numbers. This reflects the benefits of a combination of various rules, it is also good results in flexible thinking and imagination. Some people skilled in this way after the circumference of the circle than its diameter of 20,000,, some memorized English words, can really be said to be amazing.

4, English words change, change. Hanyu Pinyin associates Chang'e (Chang'e) with a story: "Chang'e", "changed" in the opinion of the Eight Preceptors, agreed to marry him. (I think this strange story combined with the allusion, so you will never forget this word)

Choke choke imagine a scenario: "snake" (s) entangled in the "mother" (mom), "choke" mother. " of the mother.

Candidate segmentation mnemonic can be without eat (past tense of eat), to "CAN" (CAN) "do" (past tense of do) can be "eat" when "Candidate"

5, Marx's birthday is May 5, 1818, Japan is also easy to remember, but easily forgotten. Some people have come up with the story that Marx's freshman fell on the bar "palm" bar in the "palm of those capitalists play" whimpering. (Marx played the scene of the capitalists imagine that you will never forget May 5, 1818)

6, within? The name of the administrative area provinces that existed:

Two lakes, two Guangdong Heshan City (Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi)

Five rivers, Yunnan and Guizhou Fu Jian (Xinjiang, Heilongjiang, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Guizhou, Fujian, Jilin, Anhui)

Four West, two Ningxia, Qinghai, Gansu and Shaanxi (Sichuan, Tibet, Ningxia, Liaoning, Qinghai, Gansu. Shaanxi)

Family and Taipei Paradise (Hainan, Inner Mongolia, Taiwan, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Tianjin)

Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

Love the good mountains and rivers of my motherland

Abbreviated as memory provinces:

Beijing, Tianjin, Chongqing municipality

Mongolia, Ningxia, Xizang, Guigui Autonomous Region

One Country, Two Systems The two systems "Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao

The three northeastern provinces of China are Black Guillotine

Hebei, Lujin and Jilin belong to Northern China

Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi in Eastern China

Hunan, Hubei and Henan belong to Central China

Guangdong, Fujian and Qiong in South China

Owned by the southwest of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou

Northwest Shaanxi, Gansu Green

7, the chemical metal elements potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, zinc, iron, tin, lead, hydrogen, copper, mercury, silver, platinum.

8 Dynasty history:

Huang Yao Shun, Xia Yu, Shang, Zhou, spring and fall chaos yo

Qin, Han, three Jin Dynasty unification of the South Dynasty and the North Dynasty rivals

Sui, Tang, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Song, Yuan, Ming, and the Qing dynasty emperor Hugh.

The above are just a few examples. How do you get a quick grasp of the way to do this?

In fact, almost all of the knowledge can be memorized quickly and memorably using a combination of the above methods. The key is to master, flexible use.

There is a software that allows you to get started quickly, the software consists of two parts: fast reading and fast memorization. We recommend that you download the training (the trial version can be downloaded, see references). I am sure we can improve your memory very quickly and you will change your life.

So much, I hope you like it and I wish you success!