1. Refund or exchange: If the plywood you purchased had not been unpacked when it was before the expiration date, you can try to contact the purchasing channel or the manufacturer and ask if you can return it for a refund or exchange. Provide the expired product and explain the situation to see if you can get a refund or exchange it for a new unexpired product.
2. Dispose of waste: If a return or exchange is not feasible or you have opened the package, expired plywood is not recommended. When disposing of expired plywood, dispose of it according to local waste disposal regulations. This can be done by placing it in an appropriate garbage bag and disposing of it according to local regulations to ensure that it does not pollute the environment.
3. Buy new products: If you do need plywood for a specific need, it is advisable to buy new unexpired products. Ensure that you take care to check the date before purchasing and choose the right product to ensure experience and effectiveness. With medical equipment and supplies, safety and quality are very important. Therefore, following the instructions for the product and checking the expiration date in a timely manner will help ensure that you are using a product that is effective and safe.